Surprises, Surprises

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Hello Hope you enjoy this chapter

Yao's POV

Since the mission with Francis, nothing interesting has happened over the last few weeks. My feelings for Ivan is getting more and more by the day. I told my siblings about my crush and like you could have guessed they started teasing me even more. Francis gives me some advice when we text and so on. Ivan and I got even closer over the last few weeks, if that was even possible. I would stay at his house and he would often stay at my house, both of us using the same excuse,"My siblings are annoying me/they kicked me out".

Today was just like any other Monday. Woke up, got dressed, get to work, do some paperwork, 'flirt' with Ivan and go home or go to Ivan's place. But that is definitely not what happened. We were both demanded to go to boss's office, it is said to be urgent. We looked at each other concerned before stepping through the office door.

"Boss, why did you call us here?" I asked cautiously. "Yao. You know a few months ago you had a stalker. Has he been sending you threatening text messages?" My boss asked his usually cheery voice now serious. "Uhhh... No since I was poisoned he didn't text or call me...Why?" I answered with a question. "Okay. What did he/she call you?" My boss ignored the question and kept asking one of his own. "Pretty boy...Boss you're freaking me out. Why, did something happen?" I asked pleadingly as Ivan and I sat down.

He turned his laptop to our direction. "Watch this video," My boss said concerned. He pressed play and we see a man tied up to a chair. By his facial expression anyone in their right mind can see he was scared for his life. He struggled through his restraints. Out of instinct I quickly cuddle close next to Ivan, wanting to look away, but I felt paralyzed. Ivan comforted me by putting his arm around me protectively, silently saying,'whatever may come I will protect you'.

There was movement in the background. It was a dark figure approaching the camera. Once he was closer to the camera we could make out he had a white shirt and a black hoodie on, with a pair of expensive trousers. He had on the mask of Friday the 13th, with a hockey stick in hand. He adjusted the camera so it had a better view of the man.

Suddenly without warning the unknown man in black bashed the others guy head in with a hockey stick. I screamed slightly hiding my head in Ivan's chest. After a few screams it stopped, everything was silent. I looked at the computer again to see he was writing something with...the other guy's blood. I wanted to throw up at the sight.

He held up the cardboard he was writing on so it was clear to the camera. I quickly read the sign. Come and get me pretty boy♥️! I'll be waiting, sweetheart! The sentence was followed by a few random numbers. The video then ended with the guy turning the camera off. I felt my eyes widen. I'm at fault for this. It struck me like lightning. It's all my fault that poor innocent man was killed. I felt tears pricking my eyes.

"I...I'm sorry," I choked on my sobs. Ivan hugged me tighter saying soothing things into my ears. "It's not your fault. If it's you he wants, it's you he's going to get," My boss stated as I feel Ivan tensing up a little. "What do you mean by that sir?" Ivan asked concerned. "You and Yao will work to find this guy. Then we bring Yao to him so he takes the bait. We catch him afterwords," my boss explained. "What!? We can't do that! Yao might get killed!" Ivan defended raising his voice slightly. "We have no other-" my boss started but I cut him off.

"I will do it," I stated standing up. "What!" Ivan stared at me in surprise. "I don't want to see anyone else get killed because of me," I explained seriously wiping away my tears, "Okay. I'm sending you two all the information that we have," boss nodded and sent us all the information. "Thank you," I mumbled and looked at my phone to see all the information.

Ivan and I immediately went to our office. "What are you thinking! You're going to get yourself killed!" Ivan half screamed at me. "I don't want to see anyone get hurt, because of me. For all I know maybe he would have come after you next and I couldn't  do anything about it," I half screamed back. He looked surprised and then sighed. "Fine I'll help. Just don't try to be the hero all the time," Ivan ordered and gave me a few other rules. "Thank you Ivan. Now let's catch this guy," I thanked him knowing I won't be able to do it without him.

We watched the video over and over again searching for something... anything to tell us where he may be. I still wondered what the numbers were about, I tried cellphone number, work place number, home address, street name. I was almost about to give up hope till something just snapped in my head. "Coordinates!" I shouted excitedly. "What?" Ivan asked confused. "Wait just a moment..." I answered and searched for the coordinates. "Here an old and abandoned chocolate factory," I zoomed in on the map to show Ivan. "It's close to here. I pass it every day driving to work," Ivan answered.

We immediately get in the car and drove to the factory only to find... It was burned down three nights ago. We look around this destroyed ruin. "Wow how are we going to find anything here," Ivan scratched his head looking at all the rubble lying around. "Trust me, this is a piece of cake. Yong Soo's room looks worse," I answered honestly making Ivan laugh a bit. He should laugh more. It's kinda cute.

We searched around for about 30 minutes and we were both going to give up till we saw something. We found a book named Betrayal. It wasn't burned or for a matter of fact damaged, showing it was thrown on the rubble after the fire. We read the description. It's about a girl who's working partner killed her lover, because of jealousy and how she wanted to get revenge. I see Ivan wince by the end of it.

I went through the book to see different numbers and letters underlined. We went back to headquarters to have it analyzed. After about an hour and a half the computer genius Nico said it is a street name and a house or something, number. We followed the directions he gave us and made our way to a run down abandoned school. It looked like a university.

I see Ivan looking surprised at the school like it held some sort of important memory in it. Judging by his facial expression that was one full of fear, dread and sadness it definitely wasn't a memory... It was a regret. "Are you okay Ivan? I can go alone if you don't feel right," I asked concerned making sure he wasn't going to fall over. "No way! It's dangerous. Let's go," he argued and was first to lead me to the school.

We looked through the three story building. On a tree we see a heart with the initials AK+AJ in it. Ivan looked upset once we discovered it. I was really getting concerned. Does Ivan know this place? We continued to walk through the abandoned halls. We finally made it to a big room with lots of space. Probably supposed to hold more than 200 people.

"Well, well, well. Pretty boy and his sweetheart actually came," the voice echoed through the dark empty room. I looked around for the voice but it was impossible to hear where the voice is coming from, because of the echo. Ivan's eyes widen. He held my hand tightly. I stared at the dark figure approaching us. I heard Ivan growl.

"So Pretty boy. Do you want to know all the sins your sweetheart has committed over the years?" My own eyes widen as I finally see the person clearly. He was still wearing the mask. I felt Ivan hold my hand tighter and standing in front of me for protection. "Oh, you don't have to be afraid of me. I'm a sweetheart. Unlike your lover. Pretty boy, What do you see in him? Have you heard what he has done? Done to hurt people, to torture them, to kill them," the obnoxious voice said and I glared at him.

"How dare you! Ivan is a wonderful person! Whatever he does is to protect the people he cares for!" I defended Ivan. "Oh Pretty Boy, you know nothing do you and you wish to be in a relationship?" The voice cooed and laughed eerily. "If you want to talk bad about Ivan, at least don't be a coward and hide behind a mask!" I shouted at him. "Fine. As you wish Pretty boy," the guy sighed and removed the mask. I heard Ivan gasp and the guy smirked.

" it can't be. You're dead..."

Hellooo Oooo how I love a good cliffhanger. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Till next time! Bye bye

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