Ex's & Oh's

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Hellooo Sorry I haven't updated in so long. I have been playing Diablo 3 for the last few weeks(For anyone who's playing it, I am at Act 3 and haven't died once, it's the first time I've played the game!). Anyway I am really excited to write this chapter, so let's continue.

Yao's POV

"No it can't be..."

I looked at what he spotted. I see what appears to be a man with shoulder length dirty blonde hair, green eyes that sparkle in the lighting, wearing a vampire costume. He was talking to a girl or boy (couldn't tell) that had blonde hair that was also shoulder length and green eyes, also wearing a vampire costume, but with a skirt instead of trousers. It seems like they're at the party together, because of their matching clothes or it's probably a coincidence.

Ivan hid himself in his scarf that he always wears. "Who are they? Do you know them?" I questioned Ivan looking back and forth between them and Ivan. "See the one with the dirty blonde hair..." He answered quietly. "Yeah..." I urged him to continue. "He...was my first love," he whispered even more quietly than before. "Really!? What happened?" I exclaimed loudly only to be shushed by Ivan. "Quiet or else he will hear you," Ivan shushed me. "Well in highschool..."

Flashback time brought to you by Fine China~

Ivan's POV

Today was the day. I'm going to tell Toris how I feel at the 'Lover's willow tree'. It is said that if you confess your love to someone under the big willow tree on a Friday afternoon, they are going to accept your feelings. It is said that long ago a couple was buried here, because of their undying love for each other and because they met under this very willow tree (A/N Shout out to anyone who got that song reference)

I was leading Toris to the top of the hill where the willow tree lies. I am really nervous. Is this legend even true? Will he accept my feelings and like me back? I'm so stressed right now. "Ivan where are we going?" Toris questioned barely above a whisper. "Don't worry we're almost there," I replied nervously.

We finally made it to the top where I held Toris's hands gently. "Ivan?" Toris asked confusion and curiosity clouded his voice. I pulled off the blindfold revealing the perfect green eyes I had fallen in love with. "Toris... As you can see, we're at the Lover's willow tree so you can guess what I wanted to tell you. Toris I...I-," Toris cut me off by putting his finger in front of my mouth signaling for me to stay quiet.

"Ivan... I don't feel the same way. Never have and probably never will. Don't get me wrong you're a good friend, but that's all you are... a friend. I'm sorry, I wish it didn't have to be like this. I'm sure there is someone out there who you will love and cherish more than the world and he/she will do the same for you. I hope that for you Ivan."

He smiled at me one last time before turning around and walking back to the school meeting his trio that was waiting for his return. I leaned against the willow tree for support and began crying and sobbing. I wanted to scream, but I doubt he will listen...

End of flashback~ (Poor Russia)

Yao's POV

I was surprised by the story. To be honest it kind of hurt me to know that Ivan had a crush on someone. "Oh Ivan I'm so sorry," I said guiltily. "It's alright it's in the past," he assured me.

"Ivan is that you," we heard a voice from behind us. "Toris. How has it been?" Ivan smiled at Toris as he sat next to Ivan. I could tell it was a fake smile, but Toris didn't notice. "It's been good. I am actually a doctor so that's exciting," Toris excitedly stated. "What about you, what are you doing?" He asked waiting for a reply. "Lawyer," Ivan answered almost immediately. "Hey Ivan. I still feel so sorry for what I did all those years ago under that willow tree," Toris stated or apologized I couldn't tell. "It's alright," Ivan assured him a fake smile played at his lips again.

"Oh Ivan who is this? Is this your girl-" Toris started, but Ivan cut him off. "He's my work partner," Ivan stated immediately. I felt my heart shatter. He only sees me as a work partner. Nothing more. Is he trying to earn Toris back. "I'm Yao, nice to meet you," it was my turn to wear a fake smile as my heart aches on the inside. "Nice to meet you. I'm Toris. I'm one of Ivan's highschool friends," he shook my hand gently.

The two continued to talk about highschool, what happened after highschool and so on. I wasn't paying attention to their conversation. I only focused on the pain inside my heart and the tears that were threatening to spill. I focused on other things like the lighting, music, couples dancing, talking, laughing etc. which made me even more upset.

I look back at Ivan and Toris to see Toris was holding Ivan's hand gently. My body moved on its own and I loudly stood up, knocking the chair over, startling them both. "What's wrong Yao-Yao," Ivan asked concern laced in his voice. "I'm fine aru. I'm going to get some punch. Be right back," I explained as fast as possible before disappearing in the crowd.

Ivan's POV

I was reminiscing in the old times with Toris. "Like remember the time Elizabeta wanted to get back at Gilbert for picking on Roderich so she changed his shampoo with black hair dye and he actually wanted to shave it all off. He never picked on Roderich again after that," Toris exclaimed and we both started laughing.

I noticed Yao-Yao staring off into the distance probably in his own world. His face was either one of pain or sadness, I couldn't tell. I was angry at myself, because I told Toris he was just a work partner. I didn't even introduce him as a friend when I obviously care deeply for him. I regretted it just after I said it. I hope I didn't hurt his feelings. I wanted to say something or include him in the conversation, but Toris interrupted me before I could do anything.

"Ivan where did you get that scar?" Toris questioned concerned and surprised. "Hmm where?" I asked snapping back to reality. "On your hand," he held my left hand gesturing to the huge scar on my hand. "Oh... uh... Well one time an offender brought a small blade into the court. After he was declared guilty he threatened to stab me, but only managed to cut my hand," I made up a lie to not give away that I was indeed a spy. "Oh that's awful-" Toris began but was cut off by a loud noise. Both of us looked at Yao to see he was standing and his chair was on the ground.

"What's wrong Yao-Yao?" I asked still startled and concerned. "I'm fine aru. I'm going to get some punch. Be right back," he stated quickly before disappearing into the crowd. It was silent for a while till I noticed something. There was a beautiful diamond engagement ring with a patterned band on Toris's ring finger. "Are you getting married?" I asked surprised. "Oh yeah. I recently got engaged. The wedding is in a few months. I can't wait," he chimed with a huge smile on his face. "Wow, congratulations," I congratulated him.

"Thanks. Ivan I have to ask. Do you think Yao was jealous that he wasn't part of the conversation and that's probably why he looked so upset?" Toris questioned quietly. "I don't know. He usually doesn't act like this," I answered honestly. "What do you think of Yao?" Toris asked. "Well he is a good friend. But... I don't know... I just have the urge to hug him, protect him and other stuff like that, but we have only been friends for a short while," I tried to explain. "Like they say, you can't have a relationship without a friendship. I probably have to go search for my fiancé. Bye Ivan it was good to see you again," Toris said, stood up and left. I sat alone for a while till I decided to go search for Yao. After all our mission is about to begin in a few minutes.

Yao's POV

Instead of going to the punch bowl I went to the bathroom. I looked into the room and saw no one was here. I stood in front of the mirrors. I was so tired and mentally drained. I sighed. After awhile I look at the time and see the mission is going to begin in a half an hour. Might as well be early. I was about to leave when suddenly a rag -that smelled like some sort of poison- was held on my mouth. I struggled and tried to get free of the strong hold. "Stop struggling so much sweetie you will only hurt yourself," a voice hissed as I began to feel drowsy. Before I knew it everything was plunged into darkness...

Holy moly I'm so excited for the next chapter. Anyway the next chapter will be out by tomorrow. Well till next time.

Bye bye

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