The beginning of a new mission

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Hello For anyone still reading and enjoying this, I won't update a lot, because my exam starts in two days. Luckily I did my ballet exam today(Hope I did good in it). I'm probably going to start a new book, like a diary for me and where I write my updates, problems etc. Anyway, Hope you enjoy

Yao's POV

Once we stepped out of the airport I was hit by a cold breeze. It's freezing. I didn't know it was this cold in Russia! And this thin sweater isn't exactly helping. It seems Ivan noticed my obvious shivering, because he started to chuckle. "I didn't know it was going to be this cold," I mumbled shivering. He took off his jacket and put it around my shoulders.

"Let's go to our hotel room first so you can get something warm," he smiled and got out his phone. "Hmm, the hotel isn't far from here," Ivan hummed and led me through the city covered in snow. "Did you grow up here Ivan," I asked and looked around at the snowy scenery. Quite beautiful actually. "Yeah, I actually did. It is a nice place to live. Good schools, good neighbors, mostly good people," he chuckled at the last sentence.

"Ivan is that you?" We heard an obnoxious voice from behind us. We turned around and was met by an albino boy, not much taller than me. "Gilbert! Long time no see, huh," Ivan said smiling. "Wow. How long has it been. 6 years," Gilbert said. "Yip 6 years that I haven't been in your 'awesome' presence," Ivan said sarcastically and Gilbert glared at him. He finally noticed me.

"Ivan who is this beautiful young lady," Gilbert asked and kissed my hand. "That's Yao... And he's a boy," Ivan said sighing in disappointment at Gilbert's actions. "Oh, you thought I was flirting, I was merely being a gentleman. I have my darling back at home. And to be honest I thought he was with you," Gilbert explained laughing a bit. I blushed a little bit at the last sentence.

"Oh are you and Elizabeth dating?" Ivan asked looking surprised. "No, she married Roderich-" "You mean the pianist who acts stuck up," Ivan asked making sure. "Yeah. Just don't let her hear you say that or you know the consequences," Gilbert whispered and looked around dramatically. "Anyway. We should catch up again. It's been so long," Gilbert smiled. "Yeah it has been long. Bye bye," Ivan smiled and waved. "Bye bye. Watch after Yao, he's a real beauty," Gilbert waved and walked away. Ivan and I kept walking.

"Who was that?" I asked Ivan. "That was Gilbert. He was one of my best friends in high school. I'm actually not surprised Elizabeth married Roderich, she always liked Roderich, even from kindergarten. Anyway, we never really kept contact after high school and I haven't seen much less talked to him the past six years," Ivan explained as we entered a hotel.

I stare amazed at the hotel. You could see it was a 5-star-hotel. "Wow," I whispered. Ivan talked to the receptionist and got our room. I followed him as we came to a staircase. "Which floor," I asked him looking at all the stairs. "Room 87B, so floor 5," he calculated quickly. I groaned. "My back is gonna break," I mumbled. He seemed to notice cause he took my bag and carried both our bags upstairs. "Wait, you don't have to do that. I could carry my own bag," I followed him up the stairs. "Don't worry Yao-Yao. I don't mind carrying it," he said as we continued walking up the stairs.

Once we made it to our apartment for the time being, I opened the door and went in first. My jaw dropped at the sight of the beautiful apartment. It had white curtains and a red velvet bed. The walls were white. The bathroom attached to the bedroom was a light shade of blue. Ivan placed our bags on the bed. "Beautiful apartment," he said and looked around. He sighed and flopped down on the bed.

"Are you sure you didn't pack an elephant in cause it sure felt like it," he said smiling at me. I glare at him. "Of course not," I yelled at him. He chuckled lightly. "Let's quickly pack out and then we could head to headquarters for more information on the mission," Ivan said and started unpacking his bag. "Oh yeah. Here's your coat back," I said and took off the coat around my shoulders. "Oh thanks," he said and took it, slightly touching my hand. I swear I felt electricity.

Once we finished unpacking I quickly change into warmer clothes. Which were Fluffy brown boots with brown pants. Brown sweater underneath a short sleeve beige sweater. I looked in the mirror. "Hey Ivan does this look good?" I asked turning around so he could see. "It looks beautiful, vozlyublennaya." Ivan blushed once he realized what he said. I don't understand any Russian so I brushed it off as 'good friend' or 'partner'. Once we were done we headed to headquarters.

We got to headquarters. Again Ivan talked to the receptionist and showed her his card. I showed her mine as well. She let us through and we walked to Andrew's office. Once we got there we were met with Andrew and a blonde haired man. "Ah, Ivan nice to see you. You too Yao," Andrew smiled and waved. The blonde turned around in the chair. "Oh are these the spies that will help me with my mission," he said in what sounded like French accent. Ivan and Andrew hummed. "Nice to meet you guys. My name is Francis Bonnefoy," he introduced himself. "I'm Ivan and this is Yao," Ivan introduced us.

"Do you mind telling us what the mission was all about," I asked as Ivan and I shook his hand. "Well. My partner Antonio and I were going undercover and things backfired. A policeman called us saying his boyfriend and his brother is missing. The police couldn't find any trace of them and dropped the case, saying they're dead. So he asked us to investigate. We found out their dad was in a mafia and another mafia wanted revenge so they captured them, making sure it looked like they were running away. Antonio and I know where they are, but not sure how to get them. We got so deep undercover, Antonio was almost killed in a mafia fight, there is no way we can survive if there's only two of us. Can you please help us," Francis asked, well more like begged.

Ivan and I looked at each other. "Sure we will help you," I said and Francis cheered. "So the costume party is tomorrow evening. Here is your costumes. We will meet you there and we will explain everything. Here is the tickets so you could get in. See you tomorrow," Francis said as we left the office. "Well that was fast," Ivan said. "Yeah, I hope I don't have to wear high heels this time. Those things killed my feet," I groaned looking at the package, seeing no sign of high heels. He chuckled. "Let's go to the apartment. Today was a long day," he said as we walked in comfortable silence.

Once we got to the hotel we entered our rooms. I quickly change into my pajamas. It was white with blue, purple and pink patterns on it. It is then that I realize... There is only one bed. "So we are gonna have to share a bed," I said out loud, closing my mouth after I said it. It's not like I mind it or anything. It would actually be quite nice, so nice and warm. Snap out of it Yao!!!

He chuckles lightly. "Looks like it," he says as he finished brushing his teeth. I quickly brushed my teeth, washed my face and brushed my hair before falling onto the bed. Ivan doing the same. It was silent till Ivan took his pillow.

"Pillow fight!!!"

Helloo Hope you enjoyed this chapter. *Sigh* No one is reading this anymore. Well anyway, my new book My Diary is out now. It is basically like a diary just on Wattpad. So if you want, go check it out. Till next time

Bye bye


vozlyublennaya(Russian): Sweetheart

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