Mafia fights and a big surprise

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Helloo Hope you guys are having a nice vacation I'm going to a Ballet show tomorrow so I'm really excited. I honestly can't believe I got tickets. I have nothing else to say except I hope you enjoy. The chapters are going to get really interesting from now on, so I'm excited.

Ivan's POV

I've been looking for Yao-Yao for the last few minutes (20 minutes to be exact). No where. He is nowhere to be seen. I have been through the place two times, no sign of him. I gave up and decided to see if he is at the meeting place. When I got there I see Antonio, Gilbert, Francis and the stoic blonde Gilbert talked to earlier (Apparently his name is Ludwig). "Just in time Ivan. Where is Yao?" Francis questioned looking around. "Don't know. I was going to ask you that. He said he was going to get punch then he disappeared," I sighed concern clouding my mind.

"Wait a minute. Yao has long brown hair right," Gilbert questioned thinking back to something. "Yeah, why?" I replied with another question. "Well it could be a coincidence but I found a few strands of brown hair in the bathroom. Do you think..." Gilbert answered. "Wait you think the mafia took him," I sneered my protective side kicking in. "Probably. Chances are high. But now we are one man short. I guess we could still do it. Let's hope Yao is with Lovino and Feliciano," Francis sighed hoping for the best.

After a while a small blonde came over and hugged Gilbert. "Hey Birdie can you do me a favor?" Gilbert asked and hugged the small blonde. 'Birdie' hummed. "Could you probably get all these people out of here," he whispered and he nodded his head. Somehow he got all the people out in five minutes. He returned to Gilbert. "Now please wait outside. I'll be there once we are finished," Gilbert insisted. "Okay just be careful amour," the small Canadian said and pecked Gilbert on the cheek.

Once we were sure everyone was outside we unlocked the door after finding a extra key in one of the ancient beakers. "Let's get this mission started..."

Yao's POV

When I woke up I was in a dark cellar with the only lighting coming from the candle on the outside of the railings. In the darkness I could make out two figures, one sitting beside me and one sitting by the cellar's door. "Oh thank goodness. I thought you were dead. What are you doing down here? Please tell me your here to save us," the kind and relieved Italian accent came from the figure hovering above me. "Well if that's the case. He really isn't doing his job well," the other figure mumbled tiredly. It looks like he's waiting for something or rather someone. "Fratello don't be so mean. He's probably doing his best," the kind figure scolded the other.

"What happened?" I asked sitting up only to be pushed back down again by the young Italian. "Stay still. You're going to hurt yourself," the kind voice warned. "Don't worry I'm okay," I assured the young man. "Well you were dumped here unconscious. That's all we know," the figure by the door said. Now that I can see them more clearly the two of them look quite the same. The one by the door just has darker hair and more of a tanned skin color, while the figure sitting beside me has a hazelnut hair- and eye color and a paler skin color.

"Feliciano is the name. The grumpy one by the door is Lovino my twin brother," the kind one introduced them. "I'm Yao nice to meet you. Those names sound familiar. "Wait! You guys are the ones the mafia captured," the sudden realization hit me like a ton of bricks. I. Was. Captured. By. The. Same. Mafia. I. Tried. To. Save. Someone. From. "No shit Sherlock," Lovino said sarcastically.

"Did Ludwig send you or was it Antonio?" Feliciano asked and Lovino looked more interested in the conversation. "Well long story. The police officer-" I started but was cut off. "Ludwig," Feliciano corrected me and stayed quiet so I could continue. "Ludwig reported you two were missing. The police officers searched everywhere, but didn't find you. They closed the case saying that you guys were missing and presumably dead. Ludwig called the spy company and two spies were assigned, Francis and Antonio-" I explained but was cut short. "We know this part. That's how we met Antonio," Lovino urged me to continue.

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