Yao's getting a new spy partner!?

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Hellooo My OC (South Africa or real name Jacqi ) is used in this. Even though I hate using my OC in a fanfic, I had no other ideas so let's move on. Hope you enjoy this one!

Yao's POV

It had been a couple of months since my illness, sickness, poisoning or whatever got cured. Ivan and I had been getting closer by the passing day. I think my brothers' teasing is becoming true. I might have a tiny, little, micro-crush on Ivan. I don't know anymore!

To be honest I've only been in love once. With a boy (more or less a womanizer), but he liked someone else. I got my heart broken and never fell in love again, until now. I sighed and laid back in my chair. "C'mon Yao-Yao we only have a few hours to go. You can make it!" Ivan teased and I groaned. Another five hours of work. I continued working and noticed I was done with everything, paperwork, work in general, budgets everything. It seems Ivan was done too.

"Ivan?" I started a conversation. He hummed in response. "Have you ever been in love? Except with Toris," I asked and his eyes widened. "Why do you want to know?" he asked surprised. "Just wanted to know. I will answer the question if you do," I bargained and smiled. "Oh well. Hmmm... Except for Toris... My ex.. spy partner," he thought for a moment till he sadly spoke up. "Sorry for asking, but what happened to your old partner," I apologized and asked. "Well...."

Flashback~ Warning: RusAme for non shippers. (But I suggest you read it because it's vital for the plot)

Ivan's POV

I was at my positioned station for the mission. My spy partner aka lover Alfred, was inside talking to the illegal mafia drug dealers. He had his earpiece in so I could hear their conversation. I listened closely for the signal to open fire. They talked for awhile, Alfred sweet talking them like always. Suddenly I heard a weird and unfamiliar voice scream,"He's a spy shoot him!"

All I could hear was bullets that weren't from my gun or anyone else's gun. I froze in shock at the realization of what just happened. I started to cry, burying my face in my scarf. "I love you Ivan," I heard the last words through the ear piece. I cried even more and didn't have the guts to go and look. The ambulance soon arrives and puts him in a black bag. I swear I will never love again...

Flashback end~

Yao's POV

"I'm so sorry Ivan," I whimpered and hugged Ivan. "It's alright, It's in the past. My biggest regret is not going to the funeral. I was too scared to go. Afraid to see my worst fear," Ivan reassured as I hugged him tighter. He rubbed my back in a soothing motion. "What about you? Have you ever been in love?" He asked still holding me in his arms.

"I was once. I was in highschool first year and I was in love with a boy two years older than me. He rejected me saying he liked someone else. That was the first and the last time I've ever been in love," I explained my sob story that was nothing compared to Ivan's. "Oh sorry to hear that," He apologized politely. "It's nothing don't worry," I assured him.

We stayed in the hugging position for a while. His arms around my waist and my arms around his neck. My legs wrapped around his waist, his warm breath tingling my neck. My head on his shoulder slowly breathing in his scent. He slowly broke the hug leaving me feeling lonely. "Go sit in your chair, my legs are beginning to feel numb. Though we can continue tonight," he winked at me. I blushed and responded, "shut up aru". He laughed slightly as I sat on my chair.

"Yao, boss wants to see you," my friend Nina called out to me from the door way a huge blush spread across her usually pale cheeks. "Alright. Be right there," I called back and waved as she left. "Guess I'll see you later. Wish me luck," I smiled at Ivan, standing up again and walking to my boss's office.

Once I got there I was greeted by a familiar face. Francis. "Hello Yao," my boss greeted and gestured to the seat next to Francis. I waved a little in reply sitting on the comfy, black leather chair. I looked at Francis confusedly. He put his finger on his lips signaling me not to ask questions.

"Yao, do you know why you are here?" My boss asked and I shook my head in response. "What did I do sir," I addressed him politely a slight confusion in my voice. "You did nothing wrong don't worry," my boss laughed as I sighed in relief. "Francis, please tell Yao what's going on," my boss insisted gesturing to Francis.

"Well Yao. A few days ago a friend of mine from highschool reported his little sister missing. I knew her a little. He filed a report, but they told him she is completely off line. Her cell is dead, any trace of her is gone. The police can't do anything so they asked me to help him. I need someone who knows where everything is, who's smart with puzzles and has a stealthy technic. And I decided you are the perfect person for the job," he explained and I stared at him shock.

"Wait I'm going on a mission with you?" I asked surprised. "Only if you want to," he replied shrugging. "What about Ivan?" I asked hoping he can come with. "I only need one partner. Don't worry Ivan will be fine," he assured. "What do you say Yao," my boss asked paper in hand. "Uhhh... Yes please," I answered thinking it over.

"Great we first need to go to Amsterdam to visit her brother. He will tell us all we need to know," Francis smiled. "When will our flight be?" I asked a feeling of guilt in my gut. "Tomorrow morning," my boss said and gave us our tickets. "Alright see you tomorrow," Francis said his goodbyes and we both left the office. He gave me his number and we parted our own ways, him leaving out the door and me going to my office.

As I got closer to my office I felt my stomach turn. A feeling of guilt making me physically sick. How am I going to explain to Ivan? He will hate me if he knew I was going without him to a mission. I felt nervous as I walked into the office. I see Ivan working on new paperwork and immediately noticed I was there when I entered the room.

"How was it? Still got your job?" Ivan asked giggling a bit. "Ivan listen. I'm so sorry, but I accepted a spy mission with Francis..." I started to explain, but was cut off. "Great when are we leaving?" Ivan asked smiling. "Let me finish. He is only allowed to have one partner with this mission and he chose me... I'm sorry Ivan you can't go with me," I apologized again. He stared at me in shock.

"Yao-Yao I'm so proud of you. You have a mission to yourself and of course that wine bastard, but still. Just promise me you won't be reckless," he warned his eyes full of worry about me getting hurt. "I promise don't worry," I giggled. "Do you want me to drive you to the airport?" Ivan asked. "Sure. I just have to text Francis saying you are going to take me," I accepted the offering.

"Okay. Now here's some paperwork then we have the rest of the day off where we can go get something to eat and stuff," Ivan told me and gestured to about four pages on my desk. "That sounds nice thank you," I thanked him and started working on the first page. We sat closer to each other then before. We worked in silence. We finally finished work and decided to go get ice cream and go shopping.


Yao's POV

I finally got home and put all my new clothes, books, music and so on in my room. I see all my siblings asleep and waiting for dinner. I was already full so I made them some food. I gave it to them as I explained what was going to happen the next few days. They seemed surprise that Ivan wasn't joining Francis and I.

After dinner I went upstairs and packed all my bags I texted Ivan goodnight and climbed in bed. I was about to fall asleep when one thought crossed my mind. I will miss Ivan...

Hellooo Hope you enjoyed. Till next time, bye bye!

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