Memories and flowers

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Hellooo The book is coming to an end just 7 or so chapters to do, so enjoy it while it lasts. Hope you will enjoy this

Ivan's POV

I closed my eyes as a bright light shone. Once I opened my eyes again I was in a field...

It looked like I was in the country side of China. It was silent, peaceful and relaxing. I looked around for the flower they told me to find. Yellow, orange color in the middle with pink tips. It is said that those flowers can heal any sickness or poison. I looked around and decided to go search on foot.

I speed-walked for a couple of minutes since I was running out of time. I finally came across a single flower. That's all I came here for. Across from the flower was a tree, a very large one at that. A guy was mowing the grass and was about to mow the flower. I wanted to grab it, but I heard a girlish scream echoing in the distance. I look at the tree and saw a girl hanging onto a very high branch ready to fall.

I look at the flower, the only thing that can save Yao's life, and then back at the girl,who might lose her life if she falls. I didn't know what to choose, I only have five minutes left, that's definitely not enough time to find another one, but I can't just let that girl fall. Time stood still for a minute as I pondered my options.

Just then I heard a snap and I turned to look at the now falling girl. I'm sorry Yao. I ran to the girl and caught her before she could hit the ground. I look at the flower just in time to see it being mown over. I sighed in realization I might not ever get the antidote for Yao. The girl had her eyes closed as she waited for impact. She finally opened her eyes after a few seconds.

"Ah, thank...thank you sir," she thanked me. "No problem kid," I sighed and stood up. "I'm not a kid. I'm just as strong as you," the kid defended herself. Now that I get a closer look at her she has very familiar features. Her long brown hair kept nicely and neatly into a low ponytail. Her big brown eyes that shimmered with pride and self confidence. Her fiery personality that can also be kind and polite.

I decided not to say anything and went to look at the now squashed flower. I pick it up gently and sigh. She looked at me in confusion then realized something. "Is someone dear to you also sick. I'm so sorry sir, you shouldn't have sacrificed them for me, I fall out of trees surprisingly a lot," the girl apologized sadly. "It's okay kid, don't worry," I reassured her looking at the time. 3 minutes. "Oh wait. As a thank you. I want to show you something," she said and took my hand gently leading me to a path.

"Fine. I'm Ivan by the way. What's your name?" I asked in a polite manner curiously awaiting the surprise. "I'm Wang Yao, but you can call me Yao. Nice to meet you Ivan," she-or now I realize- he introduced himself. "Yao," I whispered softly to myself. This must be when he was younger. "Yip, that's me," it was silent for a moment till Yao asked something.

"Who is ill?" He asked as we followed the dirt path. "A very close friend of mine," I reply smiling. "A lover," he clarified. "No, at least not yet," I reply and smiled. "Do you love them?" Yao asked. "Yes..." I admitted. Ever since I met Yao I have had a connection with him, almost like a magnetic pull. I just don't want it to end like last time... I don't want to lose Yao and right now I'm going to, because I failed in getting a flower. A flower. "Then they are your lover," Yao corrected me. "We're not in a rela-," I wanted to say, but was cut off by Yao.

"Oh well here we are. My grandma is sick so we have a whole garden of these plants," Yao explained. "But first I want to introduce you to my parents," Yao shouted excited and dragged me inside the house. It looked like the mother and father were fighting, but stopped when the door flew open. "Mama, Papa. This is Ivan. He saved me from getting hurt when I fell from the tree. His companion or lover is sick and he sacrificed their only hope saving me. Can we please give him some of ours?" He explained and begged his parents.

I see that both the parents are very surprised. What looks like a miniature Kiku came from upstairs. "Mom. Dad. What's going on?" Kiku asked politely once he saw me. "It's alright sweetie," the mom reassured. "Yao take your brother and go to your room," she said in a lecturing tone to Yao. "Alright," Yao sighed and took Kiku up stairs.

"Thank you for saving our son, but we're afraid we can't give you our flowers. We also need it. I'm sorry," the dad apologized as politely as possible. "I understand and it's my pleasure. I hope you all the best," I bowed in respect then took my leave. They shut the door behind me and then heard the parents screaming at each other. I sat down below the tree. I'm sorry Yao. I'm such a failure. I don't want to lose you now. You are too precious to me to lose you just like that. I'm sorry...

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt something or rather someone poke my shoulder. I turned around and saw Yao standing shyly looking down. "Yao. What are you doing here?" I asked as I turned to face him. "Ah well. You see...I wanted to say thank you and goodbye, but I brought you something," Yao gave me a flower. Not just any flower the Huā-tiānshî.

I looked at him surprise and took the flower. "Oh thank you," I said surprised. "Your welcome. I hope you and your 'friend' aka lover are going to have a wonderful life together," he wished me luck. "Thank you. I hope you have a wonderful life too. Just don't fall out of a tree again. And take good care of your brother," I smiled at him. "If you want my advice on your 'friend', you should just tell them how you feel. If they don't accept you it's their lost," Yao advised and smiled. "Yeah, I think I will do that," I returned the smile. I was suddenly engulfed in a hug.

"Will I ever see you again sir Ivan?" He asked his voice barely above a whisper. "Sure. Everything in its own time," I told him laughing a bit. "Maybe I can meet your lover too," he exclaimed excitedly. "I think that is a good idea," I laughed at him. We said our goodbyes and just as he left a portal opened, I stepped in it.

I was back at headquarters and gave the flower to the doctors. We waited for the results. We talked about where I was, I told them how saved Yao. The doctors finally came back with results. "Is he alright doctor?" I asked immediately. "Wang Yao is... alright. The flower or if you will the cure worked immediately and efficiently. He is awake now bit delirious from the antidote, but he can sleep that off. He just needs some food," the doctor gave us the news and recommended us some food.

Once we got food for us all we walked to Yao's room. When we got there we found a sleeping Yao. Probably tired from all the check ups or just sleeping off the rest of the antidote. I sat down on the chair next to the bed and brushed a few strands of hair that was in his face. Apparently that woke him up and he immediately sat up. "Ivan! I'm so glad to see you," he shouted and hugged me. "We're here too," the siblings pouted. "You went back in time for me," Yao was in awe. I nodded my head. He hugged me again.

"We brought food," Yong Soo tried to get Yao's attention. "Oh yay. Gimme! Gimme!" Yao ordered like a little child. Probably still delirious from the flower. The doctor said we have to give him a night or two so he returns to his normal, perfect self.

We all ate and the siblings left so they can get their homework from school. They may not seem like it, but they are very responsible in school. I stayed with Yao and laughed at his delirious thoughts. "But if your leg is cut off where would you feel the pain. Your leg is gone, nothing, zilch, zero. So where would you feel the pain. Not your leg. We need to be asking the real questions here," he rambled on like that for an hour till he tired himself out.

"Ivan," he dazedly said. "Yes Yao-Yao," I replied laughing a bit as we sound like a married couple. "Thank you for saving my life all those years ago and for doing it again now. I owe you one," he mumbled hugging me. He passed out and refused to let go of me so I climbed in the surprisingly huge hospital(more or less) bed. I soon fell asleep as well. One thought crossed my mind. I feel like we're being watched...

Unknown's POV

Oh damn. The poison didn't kill that suka. And it costed me over a million dollars. Oh well, what a shame. I can always make Ivan suffer more. Yeah... I got an idea. Let's just think this one through before we do it unlike we did this time. Soon I'll get my revenge Ivan Braginsky...

Hellooo Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for reading and see you next time. Bye bye



Huā-tiānshî(Chinese)- Flower-angel

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