Happy New Year!!!

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Helloo! New year in SA is in a few hours so this is going to be short. Btw. the picture above was me searching for new Rochu pics. America is either offended at the recommendations or at the comic😂 Anyway hope you enjoy


It is New Years!! But unfortunately it was raining cats and dogs outside so we couldn't do anything. So me, Yong Soo, Kiku, Mei and Leon decided to have fun inside. First we played Cards Against Humanity which ended in all of us laughing and slowly losing faith in humanity.

Then we decided to watch an anime called Spiritpact or Soul contract. Yong Soo kept commenting that the two main characters looked a lot like me and Ivan. We watched the whole show from season 1 to season 2. "Wow, that was cool. I love the art style," I commented and picked the next anime series. K-project.

Just as we were getting new chips and dips there was a knock at the door. "I'll go get it!" I yelled as they were about to start the anime. I opened the door after a few more knocks from the outside. What I saw shocked me.

Ivan standing at the doorstep, drenched in water(I guess was from the pouring rain outside) and shivering from the cold. "Ivan!? What are you doing out in this weather!? Come inside before you  catch a cold, aru!" I yelled and lead him inside.

First I got some towels and blankets. Then I made some hot chocolate while he dried himself off getting questioning looks from Yong Soo, Kiku, Mei and Leon. "Brother in law, why are you here?" Mei was the first to speak up. I groaned at the nickname as Ivan snickered.

"My two sisters kicked me out, because I kept complaining about the movies we were watching," Ivan said ashamed and looked down. "Just remember you can come over at our place whenever you want," I smiled at him giving him the hot chocolate. "Thank you," he smiled back and I could hear my sibling go 'aww' or 'the ship sails itself'

The day went on till it was time for the fireworks. Ivan told us that they have their own firework show every year and invited us to join them. Of course we accepted. We drove to Ivan's house in my car since he walked to our house in this horrid weather.

We got there an hour before midnight. We enjoyed some drinks (alcohol for me, Iryna, Sadiku, and Ivan. While apple juice for Yong Soo, Kiku, Leon, Mei, Natalia and Lina). It finally stopped raining the sound of light rain drops hitting the roof quietly. We sat on camp chairs on the balcony. We looked up at the stars and sat in silence till Yong Soo broke it. "What about we admit the most embarrassing thing we did this year and let it go like the rest of this hellish year," Yong Soo suggested. We went around the room confessing our most embarrassing moment of 2018. We kept talking about the year, all the bad stuff, good stuff and all the mishaps and funny stuff.

We got the fireworks ready and was ready to shoot them into the air. "Okay everyone ready," Ivan asked. "Yeah, 2018 can suck it. 2019 will be the best year ever!" Yong Soo shouted smiling. "That's the spirit!" Ivan shouted enthusiastically and began the countdown all of us joining in soon after.













"HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" We all screamed excitedly. "Now kiss," Yong Soo (with the help from Kiku) pushed Ivan into me and Mei pushed me into Ivan. We ended up kissing and immediately broke apart at the sudden contact. "Sorry," both of us apologized at the same time. "Woohoo, good luck to the new couple," everyone cheered as the fireworks went off.

The loud sounds and bright and colorful lighting filled the air as everyone stared in amazement and awe at the sky. Once it ended all of us stayed outside after making us some coffee, tea or hot cocoa. I may or may not have put hot sauce in Yong Soo's hot cocoa... again. (He admitted to planning the whole kissing thing)

It got too cold and we decided to go inside. Ivan and I were cuddling under a blanket, because he saw I was shivering(I'm sensitive, okay). Yong Soo gagged at the hot sauce and was forced to make a new cup of hot cocoa. Because of the protectiveness and warmth of Ivan's arms I fell asleep.

Ivan's POV

After a while I noticed Yao was fast asleep and was quietly snoring. The room was getting a little too loud so I excused myself and Yao from the room. I walked up to my bedroom and laid us both down on the soft silk mattress.

Yao cuddled up against me like a little kitten. I smiled, not the 'I'm going to murder someone with a pipe' smile, but a genuine, loving and kind one. "Goodnight Yao-Yao," I smiled and gently kissed the top of Yao's head.

What a way to start a new year...

Hellooo Finally I finished a chapter before deadline. Anyway hope you have a nice 2019 with lots of fun moments with a lot of love.

Bye bye my lovelies

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