Chapter 18

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Katy's POV

I look up at Rob as we hold hands, walking slowly through the park.

He squeezes my hand lightly as the sunlight baths his face in a different shades of orange and gold.

His eyes shine as he looks back at me.

I smile bigger as we finally have some time only for ourselves.

Without Olly as he's with my parents.

I look away as I see Chris coming towards us.

I hold Rob's hand tighter.

"Don't worry" He says softly as I nod unsure.

He lets go of my hand as Chris gets closer.

He clenches his fists as he faces Rob.

"She's mine!" He screams and hits Rob as I gasp.

I watch him fall to the ground as I try running to him but Chris pushes me away.

My back hits the tree as tears roll down my cheeks.

Gazing at me, Rob gets up and hits Chris.

Blood runs down his nose and he touches it.

He looks back at Rob angrily and takes out his knife.

I scream as Chris pushes it into his stomach.

Twisting it, he watches Rob fall to the ground again as he smiles.

My mouth drops as he just walks away.

I run to Rob as he's unconscious.

I rip a piece of my shirt and put it on his bleeding wound.

I press it harder as I try to stop the bleeding.

Someone calls for the ambulance as I cry, laying my face on his chest.

"Please Rob don't leave me" I sob as I hold his wound, not caring that my hands are all in blood.

The paramedics run to us and pull me away from him.

They take him to the ambulance and I sit next to him as we go to the hospital.

"I'm so sorry" I sigh as I hold his hand.

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