Chapter 26

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Rob's POV

I get into my car and pull the little black box out of my pocket.

I open it, looking at the ring nervously.

I push it back into my pocket and drive home.

It is the day.

I think I'm finally ready to ask her to marry me.

I can't live without her nor Olly and I want to make her officially mine.

My fiancé.

Then also my wife.

I smile as I pull into the driveway.

I get out of the car and Olly runs to me with his arms open.

He greets me as I pick him up and kiss his cheek.

"Hey little monkey. Where's mummy?" I ask as we walk inside.

He points at the sofa where she sits, reading her book.

"Hey babe." She says as we come closer.

"Get changed. I'm taking you out somewhere." I say kissing her head as she closes her book.

She looks at me questionably but quickly runs upstairs.

I take Olly to his room and change him into a little suit I bought him.

I give him the box with the ring and put it into his pocket.

"You'll give it to me when I tell you to, okay?" I ask.

"Okay dadda." He giggles and we go downstairs.

A few minutes later Katy comes to us in her red dress showing some of her cleavage.

"Mama pwetty." Olly says excitedly.

"Your mummy's the prettiest woman out there Olly." I say, holding her hand.

"You two look really handsome." She giggles as we get into the car.

I drive to the spot where we're going to have a picnic.

We get out and walk towards the cliff.

"This is so cute." Katy whispers, holding my hand.

There's a blanket and basket of food with roses petals and candles around.

Olly runs, giggling as I sit down with Katy and open the bottle of wine.

"You didn't have to do it all." She whispers, kissing my lips.

"You deserve everything." I say softly.

Olly sits down next to us and we eat the fruit salad as Katy sips her wine.

"Actually there's something I want to ask you." I say looking at her as I put down my plate.

"I've been planning on doing it for so long even before you left." I say as she watches me carefully.

"You're everything I've ever wanted in a woman Katy and you make me the happiest man alive." I say as my hands become sweaty.

A tear rolls down her cheek as her eyes never leave mine.

I turn a little to Olly.

"Can you give me the box Olly?" I ask as he searches it in his pockets.

"Dadda it gone." He says panicking.

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