Chapter 15

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Rob's POV

I slowly wake up and rub my eyes.

I look down as Katy still sleeps on my chest.

Her hair's messy and tickles my skin as I smile, holding her in my arms.

The door to my bedroom opens and Olly runs in with tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Rob! Mama gone." He cries as he comes to me.

His eyes widen as he sees us both. "Mama?" He asks.

"You didn't want to make mummy some space on the bed so she had to come here." I say as I help him get on the bed.

Katy starts to wake up as she cuddles more to my chest.

I feel her lips on my chest as Olly giggles, making her immediately pull away.

"Olly?" She asks, shocked as she covers herself with the sheets.

"Mama and Rob! You lied!" He giggles, pointing at Katy as she blushes, biting her lip.

I raise my eyebrows as I watch them.

"It okay mama. I like him." He says and cuddles us both.

I leave them in bed and I go to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Moments later, they come downstairs and Olly watches cartoons in the living room as Katy comes to me and wraps her arms around me.

I smile as she kisses my back.

I turn around to her and hold her hands.

"I want him to know." I say as she looks up at me.

She stands on her toes and kisses my lips.

"About what?" She asks into the kiss.

"That I'm his dad." I say, pulling away.

"It's not a good idea." She says, sighing.

"But I want him to call me dad." I say sadly as I look down.

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