Chapter 13

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Rob's POV

I drive to the motel they're staying in.

Getting out of the car, I hear a little footsteps coming closer.

"Rob!" Olly screams happily as I pick him up.

I kiss his cheek as he giggles.

I feel myself getting a little sad as I wish he would call me his dad.

But he has no idea.

"Where we going?" He asks as Katy comes to us with his backpack.

"To the water park." I say as I take it from her. "Would you like to come with us?"

She bites her bottom lip as Olly claps his hands.

"Mama, mama! Water park!" He bounces in my arms as I chuckle.

"Alright." She says and goes to her room to change.

I put Olly into his car seat and I get into the driver seat.

"Mama need love." Olly says, looking out of the window.

"Mummy has you." I say as I watch him.

"But mama sad." He mumbles as she gets into the passenger seat and I look at her.

She looks out of the window as I start the car and drive to the water park.

I pull into the parking lot and she gets out of the car and helps Olly out.

He grabs my hand and we go to the men's changing rooms as she goes to women's.

I help him putting on his swim shorts and we go towards the pools.

"Mama pwetty." He says, shaking my hand as we both see her.

I nod. "Your mummy's so beautiful." I say as it's been so long since I saw her in a bikini.

She comes to us as she looks down, her cheeks a little rosy.

Olly grabs her hand and pulls us both towards the slides.

"Go on it with mummy and I'll wait in the water to safe you both." I say as he nods, giggling.

I get into the water as I watch them running up the stairs.

I wait at the end of the slide as Olly sits on Katy's lap and they go down the slide.

He giggles all the way down until they get under the water and I quickly wrap my arms around them, pulling them up.

He coughs as he cuddles to my chest.

I keep holding them both as Katy looks into my eyes.

Our faces come closer as Olly rubs his eyes.

"Again!" He screams happily, making us look down at him.

Count on meOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora