Summer Camp

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Sorry for the late update, I was busy with  a little something something

Lisa's POV

The sun was shining and the birds was chirping, I slowly opened my eyes and was met with a beautiful sight. Y/n and his handsomely crafted face shining in the sunlight, I love him but I don't know if and how I should tell him. I'm scared that I'll lose him, someone so dear to me. I got up with waking him up and went to the kitchen and started to make breakfast for me and him, something simple just some pancakes. As I was cooking, I was thinking about if I should tell him about how much I love him but I shoved thoughts to back of my mind going to cooking.

I heard some footsteps coming down the stairs, I turned my upper body only and saw Y/n that just came out of the shower, without a shirt. I wasn't really bothered by this because it was a natural occurrence, by nevertheless I was blushing still "Breakfast is almost done, sit at the table" I said as he nodded, I noticed him staring at my ass, so as I turned back around I playfully smacked it. I glanced back and saw that he bit his lip, I smirked as I made his plate and placed it on the table. We had a nice breakfast together laughing and messing around, but soon after that he had to leave to the summer camp. I was sad but I cant say I didn't sneak a peek on him while he was changing ee-hee.

I decided to join him on the first day for awhile before my schedule, watching him play the sport that he loves adds a hottest factor. Watching him get sweaty and everything ohh I'll stop there. I made sure that he has food if he got hungry during the scrimmages and such. We made our way to the field, chuckling at his silly antics on the car ride.

We arrived at the field with alot of people waiting to play and practice, "Y/n what are you gonna start with?" I ask him getting out of the car and looking at him, "Conditioning" He replied simply getting his bag(A/n: I hate conditioning more then I hate myself). I smiled to myself since I could see all nice and.... anyways I hum my response and started towards the field with him. I hear the screams of some of the fanboys that were at the field, probably because they know that Y/n and I are good friends. I laugh at their screams and then they saw Y/n and they start chanting our ship name which caused me to blush at the thought of me being with Y/n.

I sat off to the side as Y/n did what he came here to do, He had them do simple things first like ladders,dashes, etc.. to warm up the body for the harder stuff. He then ran 3 miles with them, before starting to do 1v1's and then the practice games. By the end of the 3 miles, he was sweaty and he took off his shirt, letting the sweat drip down his chest. Dirty thoughts filled my mind, only to be wiped clean when my manager called me that he was there to pick me up. I called out to Y/n, "Y/N!! My manager is here, I'm leaving!" as he turned around and jogged over to me and we did our special handshake.

Y/n's POV

As Lisa left, I was kinda sad that she couldn't stay longer but it can't be helped as I just moved on. Also I'm so going to tease her about what she did today, but I went back to the people and decided to start our scrimmage game.

*Timeskip cuz scrimmages be boring sometimes*

Its currently 6 pm and I'm dead tired, I got my shit and went out to my car and went home. To my surprise Lisa was there waiting for me, "Hey Y/n can we talk for a bit?" She asked and I nodded as I didn't know what to say as she is almost never serious. I sit next to her on the couch and turn towards her and look in the eyes. I noticed that her eyes are full of love, "Y/n don't say anything just listen okay?" I nod, "I hope this doesn't ruin the friendship we have going for us right now but I need to get this off my chest........ I love you" I froze as the words left her mouth, I was dying of happiness inside but I couldn't show her. It appeared that she noticed my reaction and tried to get up on leave but I grabbed her wrist and flipped her around landing onto of me. I stared at her and moved her hair out of the way of her beautiful features, as I pull her into a passionate kiss. She melted into my kiss, kissing me back with equal the passion, "Does this give some answers?" I ask her and she grins nodding and I chuckle before pulling her into a kiss again..

A/n: Okay first off, I'm sorry for the extremely late update, I was busy with stuff. One of those things being conditioning fucking cocksuckers anyways. I hope you enjoyed this chapter

ONE (Blackpink Lisa x Male reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang