-Chapter Seven-

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The next day, I decided to go to the grocery store. As I drove, I kept smiling at the thought of Toby. I have no idea why I thought about him now, but I guess I did.

I pulled in the parking lot, parked, and went in. I pushed the cart through the aisle grabbing things I needed. Just then, I saw a box of twinkies. I smiled as I eyed them. I looked around to see if anyone was looking. I snatched them and quickly fled down the aisle, laughing to myself.

I turned a corner and stopped laughing. I slowed down and backed up quietly.

"Fuck," I cursed under my breath, "this is just great."

I crouched down and stuck my head back out. Jake stood there grabbing something from a shelf. His blond hair was hidden under a black beanie.

"Um... Olivia?" My head turned to see Aliyah holding a basket staring at me strangely. "Why are you-"
"Shhh be quiet," I hissed at her, looking back to Jake. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.
"Get up."
"Fine." I stood up.

She started to walk out from the aisle. "Now what are you staring-" I pulled her back. "Ow! What the hell?!" She complained rubbing her arm.
"It's Jake," I said sternly. Her face softened as she understood.
"You really don't have to be all dramatic over it, though." She laughed quietly. "He can't know I'm here."
"Yeah, yeah, I get it. Let's go." She grabbed my arm and led me up the aisle.
"You're lucky I found you before anyone saw you," she giggled.
"Yeah, yeah."


I paid for my stuff (without Jake seeing me thankfully) and went home. I parked my car and got out. I opened the trunk, stared at all the groceries, and sighed. I grabbed three bags with my right hand and one with my left.

"Need any help?" I quickly turned my head behind me to see Toby. He wore a purple Tobuscus t-shirt, dark skinny jeans, and don't forget the Heely's. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Wow, stalker much?" I turned back to the trunk to grab one more bag.
"It's my job," he smirked. I felt him standing next to me and grabbed groceries also. I smiled.
"To stalk me? Really?" I laughed again.
"Mhm," is all he replied with.

After we got the groceries inside, we decided to go up to my room. And no, not for that ya nasties.
I walked in first, turned around to face him, and threw my hands up.
"Welcome to da club! Your host, me, obviously." I pointed to my table across the room.
"Over there, we have the snack table and over here we have the bar." I gestured to the bathroom. Toby stared at me strangely, laughing.
"Can I have a margarita please?" He asked in his hipster voice.
"We're all out, sorry." I shrugged and smiled.
"We're out of that too." I shrugged again.
"This place doesn't have anything, god." He pretended to flip his hair and roll his eyes. We laughed to the point where we could barley breathe.

When we could finally catch our breaths we relaxed on my bed. It was silent and kind of awkward. We were both on our phones- me sitting up with my back against the wall and Toby on his back, holding his phone above him.
Toby turned his head to me.
"You know, we should really do something."
I agreed, "yeah we should. What do you wanna do?" I asked.
"I don't know too much about you. Which is awkward..."
"Yeah it is. Especially because I know pretty much everything about you."
He laughed nervously, "yeah..."
"How about we play spin the bottle? But instead of kissing it's questions."
"Aw, you got me excited for a second." He pouted as I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Maybe... just MAYBE... you can get a kiss before you leave."
"Who says I'm leaving?" He smirked. I smiled and didn't answer. I just looked down to my phone.
"Anyway, let's play!" Toby exclaimed.

We decided to use a water bottle on top of a book.
"Okay... you go first." I hesitated.
He nodded and spun the bottle. It landed to the side just barley missing me.
"I just realized something," he laughed, "isn't this just asking questions? Like it could land on me you know."
I bit my lip in frustration, "you're right."
Everything was quiet. I looked down at my hands trying to think of something. I glanced up at Toby to see him smiling as he stared at me.
"What?" I asked smiling shyly.
"Oh, nothing." He smiled more. I looked down again. More silence. I was stressing how awkward this was.
"Plan B!" I yelled clapping my hands as he laughed quietly.

"Let's just ask questions." I suggested pushing the bottle and book off the bed.
"Fine by me," he answered. We sat in front of each other.

"Okay, now, you go first." Toby said. I thought for a moment.
"Hmmm... What do you look for in a girl?" I asked looking into his eyes.
He smiled, "oh let's see... Someone who has a sense of humor, who's nice and sweet, not rude, who plays hard to get sometimes," he paused and looked at me playfully.

He continued, "someone who laughs at my jokes even if they're not funny, who I can be myself around and won't judge me, who won't lie or be fake around me, someone who loves me, obviously, and..." He took my chin and turned my head until our eyes met.
"...someone who's beautiful, like you." He let go and I blushed looking down.

I got closer to him and kissed his cheek. I pulled away, stared into his eyes, and smiled.
"Thank you."

Don't Ever Let Me Go: A Tobuscus Fanfiction {ON HIATUS}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora