-Chapter Eight-

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I unlocked the door and walked into Jake's house. I told him I was going to be late but I was about two hours earlier than I said. So, I decided to surprise him. I smiled, trying to guess what his reaction would be.

I looked around the house quietly to see Jake was no where to be found. There was one place I didn't look though. His bedroom.

I snuck to the door and opened the door slowly. What I saw broke my heart. Jake and a girl with short blonde hair were making out and he had her up against a wall. He looked to me as the girl gasped.

"Olivia?!" Jake let go of the girl and fully turned to me.

I was too shocked to speak.

"It's not what it looks-"

"REALLY?!" I interrupted, "You're going to stand there and tell me it's not what it looks like, when you clearly had your fucking tongue down that sluts throat?!" I screamed at him. He stood there wide-eyed, not saying a word.

A tear quickly rolled down my cheek. I slammed the door and left.

* * *

"Huh?" I turned my head to Toby.

"I said, are you okay?" He asked, his eyes full of worry.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." I smiled weakly at him. Toby shifted closer to me.

"C'mon Olivia, what's bothering you?" He looked into my eyes, making it impossible to look away.

I drew in a shaky breath, "n-nothing I'm okay." I lied.

"So I take it you don't want to answer my question?"

I thought for a moment. I just decided to say it instead of having to later.

"I walked in on him cheating on me." I sighed.

"Aww, babe." Toby pulled me close and held me to his chest. He sighed as he ran his fingers through my hair. I wrapped my arms around him and shut my eyes.

We both pulled away.

I smiled a bit, "next question."


I was on my way to meet Aliyah at the movies. We agreed to see The Fault In Our Stars. I knew we were going to bawl our eyes out together, and it made me laugh just thinking about it.

I saw her at the snack bar and I rushed over to her.

"Aliyah!" I somewhat yelled and hugged her from behind.

"Well it took you long enough," she said laughing. "Here's your ticket," she gave me the little piece of paper that I gladly took.

"Choose what you want, I'll pay for the snacks." I said looking at the candy. Aliyah looked at me with an 'are you sure' face. "You paid for my ticket, so I'm paying for the rest." I said firmly. She smiled and I smiled back as we ordered the popcorn.

After we got our snacks (that I paid for) we went into the theater. I scanned the dark room, looking for two empty seats. Aliyah already found some and I followed her to the fifth row. We sat down and waited for the previews to end.

I suddenly had an urge to use the restroom.

So that's exactly what I did.

"I'll be right back," I got up and walked to the bathroom. I pushed open the theater doors and felt a rush of air hit me. I walked down the hall to finally see a 'GIRLS' sign.

Suddenly, I felt a hand grab my wrist. Before I could scream a hand flew over my mouth. Next thing I knew I was pulled into the janitors closet, where it was pitch black.


Hello lovelies!

I hope you like this chapter, and I'll try to get the next one up soon!

I've been posting on my Instagram a lot more lately and incase you didn't know:


Is the username^^

Anyway, I'm working on an Ianthony fanfic that I haven't uploaded yet, SO GET EXCITED!!!! I've written a couple chapters and I'm hoping to get it up around the beginning of next year... I'm trying to get out around my birthday (November 1st) but I highly doubt that'll happen. I'll keep you updated!

If you've read this far: I love you and I hope you have an awesome day!


Don't Ever Let Me Go: A Tobuscus Fanfiction {ON HIATUS}Where stories live. Discover now