Chapter 29

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Rossi's POV
There was 5 of us going Me, Emily, Aaron and Derek and of course Penelope on the phone. JJ was ordered to stay with Henry as much as she hated not being here for him she agreed. As far as we were aware William had boy genius in abandoned Warehouse just outside of town. We were almost there and let me tell you we are all ready to take this son of a bitch down.

Garcia's POV
I've never been so scared in my life, I mean yes Spencer has been in these types of situations before but this seemed different almost as if he would be gone before we reached him but I couldn't let that thought drown out the hope. Derek baby are you okay I asked him it's been so hard for him and he's barely said a word since they got in the car. Yeah baby girl once we get him home everything will be okay he replied I couldn't stand how he voice broke when he spoke about him.

Dereks POV
Everyone keeps asking me if I'm okay I'm fine I just want my brother home I keep saying to myself. We reached the warehouse and my heart began to beat so fast I thought it was gonna burst. I jumped out of the car and ran towards the building my team close behind me. I opened the door quietly and we began to search the place. Worry began to set in when we couldn't find him and that when I heard the muffled sounds of shouting. I ushered everyone over and we found a door that lead to the basement. I went to open it but Emily pulled me back and opened it, she was the first to go down I was the last.

Emily's POV
I felt awful pulling Morgan away from the door that could lead him to his Bestfriend but I knew if he found Spencer hurt in any way he would explode and that was not a good idea. I ventured down the stairs as quiet as possible. Will was stood over Spence with a knife in his hand this did not look good. Derek crashed past me and practically rugby tackled Will to the floor we took Spencer restraints off and Derek cuffed Will.

Spencer's POV
I had been arguing with Will for over and hour and now he was mad. He stood over me holding the knife in the air as if he was about to stab me. I had been so focused on the knife I didn't hear my team come in Derek rugby tackled Will to floor and the rest took my restraints off. After Derek cuffed him he stood to face me and wrapped his around me and whispered it's time to go home Pretty boy. I nodded and whispered definitely.

Hey guys I know it's been absolutely forever since I updated. I'm in yr 11 now so homework and exams are all over the show. Please let me know what you think about this Chapter I love you all ❤️

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