Ninja Hattori Story 2: Kemumaki's Prank

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It was morning. Hattori told Kenichi to wake up. He did and quickly went to school. He was not late today, that was good! Suddenly, mid-way, he stepped on something and suddenly a net picked him up from the ground. He got trapped in the net. It was attached to a branch of the tree! Soon giggles came to his ears and out came Kemumaki and Keo from the bushes! 'Oh god, come on, leave me alone!' Kenichi yelled 'I am going to school on right time after such a long time and you are ruining it!' Kemumaki giggled even more. 'That's what I want, dumbo!' he said, giggling. 'Well, you will get late for school too if you do like this...' Kenichi said with a smirk. 'I am a Ninja, I have enough speed to reach school in a second!' Kemumaki replied. 'Yes boss!' Keo said jumping around all over with a big smile on his face as his boss laughed even more. 'Oh come on!' Kenichi yelled. Soon Kemumaki went out of there and headed to school and kept Keo in charge of Kenichi. 'Hattori!' Kenichi yelled. 'Hey!' Keo said with anger 'Don't you dare even try to call him or I will shock you with electricity!' Now Kenichi couldn't even call Hattori. He had to do something on his own. Just if Yumeko was here... then she would save her, but he knew that she was an early bird and had already reached school. Keo sat down, feeling bored. His eyes became drizzled and he soon feel asleep. This was the best chance for Kenichi to escape! Keo fell asleep as Kenichi heard the school bell ring. He struggled to get out of the net. Suddenly the branch broke and he fell on the ground. That hurt but it was also good since he could finally escape from the net. He quickly rushed to school as Keo snored away. The gates were about to close but Kenichi somehow managed to get in. He rushed to the class.He opened the door. 'Kenichi!' he heard the teacher say. 'Present sir!' he said, huffing and puffing. The entire class laughed. 'Late again!' the teacher yelled. 'I will tell Hattori about this...' Kenichi thought, standing outside of the class the entire day. 'How did Kenichi come here?' Kemumaki thought 'Keo you lazy cat!'

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