Ninja Hattori Story 36: The Betrayal of a Ninja

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The war raged on. Rasia was still trying to find Jinchu so that he could defeat him. He killed all the Iga soldiers until he found Hattori's father, the leader of Iga clan... He smiled... He was going to fight him but then he remembered another thing. He told something to his new commander. The commander nodded in "yes" and then he told something to the other Rasium AND KOGA soldiers. Everyone nodded in yes. 'AIM!' Rasia yelled. Suddenly, all of them aimed their arows at Mr. Kemumaki, the leader of Koga clan! He was surprised. So was Kemumaki. Even the Koga soldiers aimed at Mr. Kemumaki! 'See...' Jinchu yelled defeating another Rasium soldier 'I knew it that he would betray you! He is very evil! He only cares about himself and his clan! He must have paid your soldiers and ton of weapons and money to do this!' 'RASIA!' Mr. Kemumaki yelled, trembling. 'Koga clan exists no more!' Rasia declared 'There's only Rasium clan now! All of your soldiers are now mine!' Mr. Kemumaki took out his sword but suddenly Rasia yelled "RELEASE!" All the soldiers released their arrows! All of those pierced through Mr. Kemumaki's heart, one by one... He felt like he got stabbed in the back a thousand times... Everytime an arrow hit him, he felt the betrayal... Rasia smiled. Kemumaki could not hold it anymore. e could not witness the death of his father and his own clan. He broke down and started crying... Even Hattori felt bad for Kemumaki. Kemumaki's father fell off the horse... dead... Rasia laughed... Kemumaki tried to attack Rasia but Hattori stopped him. 'If you do this they will kill you too!' he advised. Kemumaki now wanted a revenge on Rasia... He looked at him with teary but angry, blazing eyes as Rasia laughed... The war continued...

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