Ninja Hattori Story 43: Shishimaru's Rage Powers

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The fight raged on. Even though many highly trained ninjas like Hattori and Kemumaki tried to take down the evil mastermind Rasia, they just could not since Rasia was even better than both of them combined... not because of his physicality, because of his cunning mind... He used all the weapons he had in his ninja robes which he considered his "Quick Arsenal" He fought with both Hattori and Kemumaki with two nunchucks, deflecting all the Iga and Koga ninja stars they threw. They still didn't give up and threw even more sharp ninja stars. While this happened, Sonam got up. Her hand was still paining from that kick. Shinzo and Kenichi just watched the duel since Hattori had told both of them not to get involved since Rasia could hurt them or use them as bait. Shishimaru tried to get angry but just couldn't. Finally he remembered the death of Jippo and angered up. His eyes glowed red and fire engulfed from his body. He was now angry... Rasia quickly saw this and stopped fighting Hattori and Kemumaki. They just looked at Shishimaru. 'Now you are doomed...' Hattori said with a smirk. 'Not so soon, Hattori!' Rasia said as he started running somewhere. Shishimaru followed him. Rasia quickly took a wooden bucket that was on the floor and threw it at Shishimaru. Water came out from the bucket in mid air and hit Shishimaru, reducing all his rage powers. He was now back to normal... 'I always kept that bucket for some fire emergency...' Rasia said, smiling 'Guess I need it for that reason, after all!'Now that Shishimaru's powers had been gone, thanks to Rasia, the evil mastermind came forward while Shishimaru trembled. The poor dog tried to run but he had the same fate as Keo. Rasia kicked the poor Iga dog and he hit the wall. He then fell on the floor, unconscious, just like Keo. 'Hahaha!' Rasia laughed. He even made funny faces to anger Hattori and Kemumaki... This was enough.. The Iga and Koga ninjas wanted their revenge... Sonam got up too... A very fierce ninja fight was about to begin...

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