Ninja Hattori Story 22: Caught by Hattori

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Just before Rasia completely got disguised into an old man once again he heard a voice "NOOOO! WHY DID YOU DO THAT!!!!" Hattori and Robert came in. 'I told you there was something fishy about this so called OLD MAN!'Robert said with a frown. 'You killed my friend, RASIAA!!!' Hattori angrily yelled. 'Woah, woah, calm down, young boys...' Rasia began with a smile as he started to undiguise himself into the Leader of Rasium Clan from an old man! He suddenly started running in ninja agility speed and got out of the Iga's prison house. Hattori and Robert followed him into the grass fields on Iga. 'You cannot escape!' Robert yelled as he threw the "Tripper" weapon on Rasia. The rope quickly tied Rasia's legs and he fell down. However, Rasia was a trained ninja. He smiled as he quickly cut the rope stuck in his legs with a ninja star within a second! He tried to escape but then suddenly thought "Why don't I kill this Hattori boy when I am getting a chance?" He turned around to Hattori and Robert. 'I won't escape like a coward anymore!' he yelled 'I will fight you like the leader of the BIGGEST NINJA CLAN should!' 'Come at me!' Hattori said with narrowing his eyes. Rasia quickly took out his sword and went towards Hattori. He took out his sword too. Both of the swords clashed. It made an annoying sound. The sound of the sword clash was so loud that it woke up Jinchu, Kenichi, Shinzo, Kemumaki and Keo. Shishimaru was already awake since he was guarding the palace as always. Robert threw his nunchucks at Rasia but he cut them all with his sword. Now he turned to Hattori again to do a sword fight.(edited)Suddenly he cheated, he attacked the HANDLE of the sword with his own sword. Hattori's sword went flying out of his hand. 'HA. HA. HA. YOUNG BOYYY!' Rasia was about to pierce the sword into Hattori but Robert suddenly used his ninja agility he had learned and got between the sword and Hattori. The sword pierced through him... 'Thanks... for teaching... me this move... Master Hattori....' Robert said as blood came out of his stomach and then his mouth.... He fell on the ground, dead...

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