Ninja Hattori Story 38: Chase Through The Forest

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  Rasia started escaping with his horse since he knew he had angered Hattori very much now but Hattori and the other ninjas like Shinzo, Kemumaki, Sonam, Shishimaru, Keo and even Kenichi followed him. They all took their own horses. Suddenly they entered the forests. 'If you don't go back my army is going to destroy Iga!' Rasia yelled. Hattori didn't care. He just wanted his revenge from Rasia for killing his father. Kemumaki wanted a revenge too! All of them chased Rasia but finally he got annoyed and threw something on the floor. Suddenly that thing exploded and smoke came out of it quickly. Rasia went away and Hattori and others got trapped in the smoke. They couldn't see anything... Kenichi was in the worse position since he didn't even know how to handle a horse well. So his horse just went straight as Kenichi yelled "NOOO! HATTORI! HELP!!!" Hattori couldn't even open his eyes. 'Where are you, Kenichi?' he yelled. Suddenly Sonam took out her ninja fan and came to the ground. She started spinning around with the hand fans in her hands and cleared all of the brownish smoke out! Finally all of them could see clearly! 'Rasia is just so cunning!' Kemumaki yelled in anger as he kicked a stone. 'Wait...' Shinzo suddenly said 'Where is Kenichi?' Everyone suddenly realized Kenichi was gone! 'Maybe he is in the Rasium palace since he found a way, let's go there....' Kemumaki suggested but inside he was thinking "Who cares about him, I just want my revenge from Rasia!" Hattori and others nodded and agreed with Kemumaki. So they began their journey to the Rasium palace. On the other side, the Rasium and Koga soldiers destroyed even more Iga soldiers...  

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