Ninja Hattori Story 46: Ninja Funerals

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Hattori and others were shocked by the power of that mysterious person that he wiped out the Koga army, the Rasium army and most of the Iga army! They quickly went to the rescue and tried to heal the survivors. They quickly called Iga nurses and sent them to the ninja hospital. Finally, after some time they were reportedly fine... After some days... Hattori, Kemumaki and others went to the funeral of Jinchu, Mr. Kemumaki and all the Koga and Iga soldiers who lost their lives in the war. 'We shall be united...' Kemumaki said 'Rasia could harm us so easily because we betrayed each other... If we stay united a third enemy can never ever harm us no matter what happens...' Hattori nodded, smiling. Later that same day, Hattori was declared the leader of the clan by it's fellow ninja citizens. Kemumaki smiled. He had no clan left to be the leader of, after all. Hattori wanted to announce something. 'My fellow citizens....' he began 'I know you want to make me the leader of this clan but I can't be it... I, Shinzo and Shishimaru have to stay with Kenichi... You should vote for someone as leader who actually stays here and not in the city...' All of them thought for a while. And then suddenly yelled "SONAM! She is highly trained too, like you!" Hattori smiled and looked at Sonam. She was astonished. She never knew the people of Iga loved her so much. That night they had a party of Sonam becoming the new ninja leader. 'So, when are we going back to the city again?' Mrs. Mitsuba asked. 'Tomorrow...' Hattori said with a smile. Dad overheard this. 'Okay then, I will book a train by my mobile!' he said 'I am going to tell my boss that I am not coming at office today!' They all smiled.

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