Ninja Hattori Story 33: THE WAR BEGINS!

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One week had passed and now, it was the day of the war between Iga and Rasium clan... Kemumaki smiled, he knew he would betray the Iga clan. They all prepared for the war. The prepared the weapons and checked the horsemen. Some hours later, they were ready for war and both the armies of Iga and Rasium clan were there. Mr. Kemumaki sat on a horse beside Rasia. 'BE BRAVE LIKE YOUR SON AND STOP BETRAYING PEOPLE!' Jinchu yelled at Mr. Kemumaki. Kemumaki looked up at Jinchu. He smiled, but this was not an evil one... this was nice one... Still he would betray Iga anyways... In some minutes the war would begin! Everyone was there... Hattori, Shinzo, Shishimaru, Keo, Kemumaki, Sonam and many other ninjas... Suddenly an ear piercing trumpet announced the beginning of the war. Rasia smiled as he marched towards Jinchu. Before he could attack Jinchu, other Iga soldiers attacked him. Jinchu went to another side and fought with Mr. Kemumaki. They clashed their sword, sitting on their horses. They clashed again and again. Jinchu finally got annoyed and used his hidden chili powder on Mr. Kemumaki. His eyes started to hurt. Jinchu raised his sword with a smile, wowing to kill the leader of Koga but before he could do that a Koga soldier came in the way and pushed Jinchu from his horse. The Iga horse suddenly ran away. Jinchu was so angry he got up and had a fight with the soldier and Jinchu defeated him in a minute. Rasia wanted to fight and kill Jinchu but Iga soldiers were fighting him and thus, blocking him! He had to do something. Hattori and Sonam fought together to defeat the Koga and Rasium soldiers. Kemumaki smiled as he slowly approached towards Hattori with a knife... 'Iga will be doomed forever, and so will you!' he thought as he tightly gripped the dagger. On the other hand, Kenichi, Yumeko and Mr. and Mrs. Mitsuba were watching the war from the Iga palace... from above...

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