Chapter 6

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Lilith's POV

~Two Days Later~

"This place is so boring, Lora!" I groaned out the sentence loudly to my sister. She's been the only one here these past two days. Devin and Chris had stuff to do, but Devin said he'd come by tomorrow to visit.

I was surprised I acted normalish around him when I came back. I found him so attractive, like oh my, and he's just so casual about coming to visit me. I was baffled by the thought.

"Would you rather be in school right now?" She asked plainly.

I reached to my back pocket, only to remember that my iPod was destroyed. I sighed. "No. Also, Lora, I need a new iPod, I'm sure you saw what mine looks like now. When, if you can, will you get it?" I need my music, I'm about to mentally die without it.

"Oh, yeah. I did. I heard you explaining how it got that way to the cop yesterday, too. This Wyatt guy and his goons will pay time for it, and for the state you're in now. Anyway, I'll go get it for you tomorrow while Devin is here. I'm sure you'll enjoy that." She smirked on that last sentence.

I looked at her with annoyance in my eyes, "Shut up, Lora."

"It isn't my fault you think he's hot and amazing. I'm sure he thinks the same of you. From what I saw two days ago, he was blushing when I came in the room." I want to hit her now, but I can't. I didn't even say anything back.

I started thinking; did he really mean what he said? That I'm beautiful?

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