Chapter 12

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Ghost's POV

While I'm walking down the hall to go use the bathroom I hear Chris say, "I know about your note." What note? I turn the corner, so I can listen. I lean against the wall and pretend to text on my phone.

Lilith sighs deeply. "I knew that. I felt the tension. Go ahead. I'm ready for 20 Questions. It's not like I can run away from this."

"Who's it about?"




"Because what, Lilith? What did she do that made you so mad?"

There was a long pause. I can tell she doesn't want to answer. "She verbally... and physically abuses me."

What? Lora... does what? I'm so baffled that my phone falls out of my hand. I'm completely frozen from shock. All of a sudden, I see Chris come around the corner. He must've heard my phone hit the ground. "What the hell, Ghost? Did you hear all of that?"

All I can do is nod slowly. He picks up my phone and puts it in my hand. He then grabs my arm and pulls me around the corner towards Lilith, who's mouth is hung open in shock... kind of like mine. I regain my senses and pull my arm away from Chris. I walk up to Lilith on my own. "Oh, my God, Lilith. I promise we'll help you. Okay?" I hug her as she begins to sob.


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