7: Arrival

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Seungri was seating at the bench, waiting for Jiyong to pick him up.

Suddenly Seungri sees a black Lamborghini ahead and it parked through the park area.

Someone went out and it was Jiyong. He then walked towards Seungri and began helping him.

"Lets go" Jiyong said,

"Wait, is that really your car?"

"Yup, Now come on".

They went to the car and drive to Jiyong's place.

"How rich is this guy anyway? Like he had his own Lamborghini and it wasn't his parent's car" Seungri thought as they were at the road.

Minutes later, they arrived at Ji's apartment. Seungri was really amazed in how the designs were so unique and compare to his, it was just plain.

"Here is my guest room, Its probably a lil small but it has a study table as well, You can put your clothes at the closet"
Ji said showing Seungri the room.

"Wow, fck your apartment is this really nice, did you planned it?"

"Yeah i guess, anyways im gonna make dinner"

"Can i help?"


Seungri and Ji went to the kitchen to find something to make for dinner.

"What do you like?" Ji asked Seungri

"Hmm just a ramen" Seungri said sitting

"Thats all? how about your drink?"

"Just water"

"Not wine?"

"I don't drink much" 

"Okay then.." Ji then cooked 2 ramen, while Seungri was checking his Instagram in his phone.

Suddenly Seungri laughed, "Whats funny though?" Jiyong asked,

"N-nothing HAHAHA" Seungri said

"Are you texting someone?"

After that thing  that Ji said Seungri was shocked in how did Ji knows what he was doing....

I dont fking know in how will this story end up. If this ends up with a messed up scene like example Ji and Seung kissed then they broke up cuz of something blah blah blah then the end, See what i mean? Just praying that i will nver messed up😂😂 So.now.bye.


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