20: Pictures

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Seunghyun found alot of pictures of him and Jiyong together. He ripped and he ripped then trow it to trash.

They were now a pile of garbage for him and seeing those photos brings him madness even more.

Then his phone ringed.

He looked at the phone ID and it was Daesung.

Why would he possibly call?

"Hey, sorry for disturbing you hyung but can we go out? Its my treat. Im doing this for thanking you to teach me coz i got 37 out of 40 in my 2nd math test" Daesung said on the phone,

"You really dont have to do that plus its fine and im proud you get kind of that grade" He said smiling. Being proud of him.

"you sure you dont wanna?"

"Yes and im all stuffed. Thank you though"

"Maybe next time?"

"Next time it is"

"Okay then. Bye"

"Bye" Seunghyun hanged up.

He's really proud of him and himself from being able to help a person though...

"Fuck this pics..."

Seungri, Dara and Chaerin are having lunch with together.

"Im so stuffed" Dara mumbled, finished

"Same" Chaerin says, drinking water.
"So Seungri, How's you and Jiyong?" Chaerin asked curious,

"Somehow he is dealing with his ex and can't moved on"

"Yeah that's so true, His ex Seunghyun was our close friend in highschool. He is really the nicest guy in our school but now that things get off well he became the baddest and most of all fcked up his life"
Dara said,
"We actually comfort Jiyong and make him moved on but he just can't he loved him truly but still messed him up"

"I think i can help him"

"Me and Dara as friends of Jiyong we tried but its hard rock. Its i think imposible"

"Nothing is imposible, I just need to make him forget and be there with him and guide him" Chaerin sighed

"Just dont bring some up sweet memories. The more you bring it up the more he'll hurt himself" Chaerin said,

"I will...."

JUST ADDEDD something thats all. Plus 3 testsss of minee were finisheddd yesturday. For new readers probably updated this like a day ago then update it again to add cuz I MAKED ALOT OF SHORT CHAPTERS AND YOU GUYS DESERVE MURE if u luve it hiheh.

Sooo yeah i think i'll update in saturday or sunday.

Yeahh well thatsss all

seee yaa at the next update ;))

Inlove with you| NyongtoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon