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Cameryn and Darrien hadn't been talking to each other at all.
"Cameryn? What happened?" I asked she just smiled at me.
"Nothing Cairo, we're all good"
"Okay if you're sure"

I didn't trust that she was telling me the truth so I walked up to my big brother.
"Darrien? Why are you mad at Cameryn?" Darrien's fists clenched but he smiled.
"I'm not Cairo" I grabbed his hand which was extremely warm.
"Really? It's just you're not looking at her and you don't seem very happy with each other"
"I just...don't want to talk about it Cairo" I looked at my big brother with determination.

"Big brother just tell me. I don't like seeing you upset"
"Cairo I don't want to talk about it"
"Big brother what's wrong why are you mad at her?"
"Cairo, I said. I don't want to talk about it" Darrien responded his hand was getting even warmer.
"Darrien stop keeping everything to yourself tell me!"

Darrien's eyes narrowed and he tore his hand out of my grip.
"I said I don't want to talk about it!" He yelled "So will you shut up and leave me alone!"

I backed up his anger sending shivers down my spine.
"Big brother..."
"You're always butting into business that's not yours Cairo! You're not an adult you're a child you're younger than I am you don't understand the problems I deal with so will you quit it?!" tears pricked at my eyes and started to slide down my cheeks.
"Big brother..." I sobbed "w-why a-are you...b-being so m-mean?!"

I turned and ran looking back slightly Darrien was still scowling but then was a hint of emotion in his eyes as if he was angry with himself.
Big brother why were you so mean?


Cairo ran off.
"Darrien?!" Cameryn yelled "what was that for?!" Ani looked towards Cairo's direction nervously and ran after him leaving me caught between the lion and the wolf. Who's who? You decide.

"He...wouldn't leave me alone"
"You didn't need to yell at him idiot! Your little brother is crying now! He looks up to you!!" Darrien looked upset but inside I could feel his anger boiling I just couldn't tell who it was directed at.
"Okay guys, let's calm down and-"
"Shut up Serena!" Cameryn yelled "He doesn't listen to reason you've gotta hit him hard"
"Cameryn" I warned "we don't want another fight between you two"

Darrien was silent. His shoulders were shaking and he glared at Cameryn hatefully.
"You are not his brother. I can say that to my younger brother! And if he wants to butt into business that's not his he should expect that to happen!"

Cameryn frowned anger spreading across her face.
"You'll thank me for this because I need to snap you back to your senses!" then she swung a punch, which sent Darrien tumbling back a bit.
I flinched slightly. He held his cheek.
"You're going to regret that" he mumbled he looked up but I was behind him so his expression was impossible for me to see and for once I couldn't sense his emotions.

"Oh? Am I?"
"Yes. You are" in a second he was already in front of her and she looked up fearfully.
"Darrien stop!" I cried but he ignored me.
"If you're so weak that the curse can make you yell at your precious brother than maybe you can't beat it" Cameryn glared pushing him away and I caught a glimpse of his eyes changing from their glow back to Darrien's normal eyes. He started to laugh.
"Will you quit it?" He hissed "Curse did this. Curse did that. All you ever say is the curse is responsible. What if for a moment you stop to think huh?"
"You only think I'm strong because of the curse! Like I'm just a weakling without it! But I'm not! You know what I can do Cameryn? Or have you forgotten?"
"The curse is still affecting you and until you realise that, I can't stop fighting you" Darrien glared and then held his out and open.
"Then I'll need to remind you. Like last time right?" I looked between them. Last time?

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