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"Well, I'll give the child credit he had a far stronger will than most I would use that spell on" Kira chuckled, amusement rang through her voice.

The vines that once held me down loosened soon releasing me.

"So, mortal. How does it feel...? Now that he's gone" she howled with laughter "mortals...their spirits are broken so easily"

I felt empty...I long trying to...

I felt something familiar...deep inside me...but it was faint as wasn't really there or a ghost of something that was. A fire...growing and growing inside me...

Whispers...calling out to me...urging me into the darkness...

"What is it child...?" Kira asked, leaning closer to me "you said you would kill me. Or do you not have the will to do so...?"

"It's calling me..." I mumbled, she raised an eyebrow and snickered.

"I imagine it is. But it cannot do anything in here, I have the power and you do not"

The violet crystal that shone...seemed to dull. I could feel its magic can't hold it back anymore...

She killed him...he was in so much pain...

The crystals that lined the walls dulled too, the chamber we were in faded completely into darkness.
It's all her fault...

I could feel it beginning to drown me...I couldn't think was her fault...
She did it. I begged...I cried...I screamed...she didn't listen to me...

You have every right to destroy her. Leave nothing behind...

It whispered to me again and again...I-I...

For once can we work together...with my help Darrien, you can get your revenge, end her pathetic existence...You know you want to.

I really do...but part of me hated it but...then, the numb feeling faded and rage replaced it.
"You...killed him" I growled, feeling it, the fire in my blood...the noise in my head. "I told you..."

I stood up, fire beginning to slowly light up around me.
"I told you..." I chuckled darkly "I would kill you...but didn't listen"

Kira backed up slightly. Was that fear...?

I started to laugh.
"The all-powerful sorceress...cowering before a child, isn't that pathetic...?" I walked over to her, she really was afraid of me. Huh, I forgot how fun it more weakness, no more faltering...only rage and revenge...

"Darrien!!" A's...familiar...somehow...I know that voice...

Don't bother, they're a distraction, they're not important... I heard it whisper.

"Darrien wake up! Snap of it!"

"Darrien, Darrien!" Joeri's voice... "Darrien, wake up! Snap out of it!"

"Please stop it! You're scaring us!" that voice was...


Don't bother with her...just end that witch's existence... it said to me, taunting me...tempting me... kill her...

I tried to stop, to break free but I...kind of enjoyed this. That witch was at my mercy. Finally, she was mine to taunt and torture...

But Serena...

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