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I frowned as I glanced at Serena who was talking with Cameryn. She looked over and I turned away.
I'm really pushing the limits of my strength. I thought sadly. If I keep risking myself like this then it won't be too hard for it to...

I sighed and looked up a little.
Either I stop this stupidity and tell them or-
"Hey Darrien?" I turned only to see Serena standing there next to me "Do you mind if we talk?"
"I suppose"
"I heard that some water elements can share their feelings with people" I immediately knew what she was planning. I looked away slightly.
"Cool I guess"
"Can you do that? Because if you can then can you show me what's going on?"

She didn't know how badly I wanted to.
"I-I can..."
"So?" she asked holding her hand out "show me?" I reached my hand out hesitantly...I wanted to, so badly I did but...I-I just...

"I'm sorry. I can't do that" I said taking my hand back.
"Why not?"
"I can't control what you see Serena, you might see something embarrassing or worse irrelevant you might not even see what I want you to"

Serena smiled.
"Well that's where I come in Darrien"
"Well I'll use my magic to make sure I only see what you want me to see"
"You that?"
"Yep! I mean I think so"

I frowned slightly. That was tempting I wouldn't have to show her a thing that I didn't want to the same time...if I started what would I show her? I don't want to scare her. If I told her about the shift in my heart she'd automatically freak out it's just...natural for her. I closed my eyes and turned away.
"Sorry Serena. I'm not showing you"
"Wh-why not?" she asked slightly surprised "I mean you'll be completely safe and I won't see anything you don't want me to" I knew that. Damn it I knew that but I couldn't. I shook slightly and tried to conceal it.
"I can't because..." She took my hand.
"Darrien, what's wrong? What are you so afraid of showing me?"
"Serena, I...I..." I pulled myself free of her grip and walked away.
"I'm sorry. But I really can't. I can't tell you and I can't show you. I know I'll regret it. I don't want to scare you and I... don't want you to hate me"
"Like I would hate you hot-head!"
"YOU WOULD!" I stopped in my tracks tears threating to escape "You would hate'd be afraid of me and you hate me. I...I'm afraid of me and I hate myself so much. I know what I could do one else does"
"P-Please. I just...want you to stay away, stay away from me please." I swallow hard and walk away.
"Just stay away" I said coldly

I could almost feel her staring at my back, I didn't want to hurt her but if I wasn't careful...
I saw Ani staring at me.
"She's just trying to help Darrien"
"And if she does she'll get killed I know it"
"But she puts herself at risk for you, you know that correct?"
"Then perhaps now is the time to let her in?"
"N-no...I can't..." I looked back she was sitting on a tree stump worriedly "Ani, I'm going for a walk. Send Nike or something for me if it gets to late he'll find me pretty quick"
"Alright if you want, but Darrien?"
"Be careful out there, the shadows can make many illusions seem real..."
"Yeah...I will"

With that I walked into the forest. She was right about the shadows I kept thinking I was seeing things or hearing things but I preferred that over it being bright.
This way it's much easier to see someone...say I don't know a molten pixie if such a thing would happen to be watching me.

I sighed stuffing my hands into my pockets. I wasn't sure if Fukushu was still watching me but...I wanted to talk, I a few questions I've been dying to ask and...this might be my only chance.
"Where are you?" I whispered

Behind you...turning I saw her smiling at me.
"So" she began losing the effect in case someone wandered past "Why are you calling me out?"
I don't know why I lied about it but I shouted at her.
"I'm not calling you out! I just knew you were following me!"
"Right, could feel it Darrien. Now what is it?" I frowned slightly and took a deep breath.

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