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I'm walking alone. In a huge forest.

Didn't my mum once warn me against doing exactly that?

Damn, I seem to do a lot of things my mum told me not to do. I have to admit, I'd rather go back. I'd been walking in a straight line for the most part, no doubt I could find my out.

But at the same blood is heart is hurting...

I feel so guilty...why did do I that? Why did I lash out like that?!
What made me lash out? Why can't I remember?
In fact, I don't remember much at all from before I ran into the forest. I remember...

Ani bringing up the flowers...and I remember hurting Serena...but everything else. I feel like I know...but at the same time it's all a blur...I can't remember exactly what happened...

I shook my head, I'd drive myself insane thinking like that...
"More insane" I mumbled.

The thing that was actually confusing was why nothing had happened yet.

I mean I've been in the forest for a fair while now, if the forest really did what Serena said then surely I should've dealt with my fears by now?


I paused, what if the forest didn't need to show my fear...maybe...It's already there and the forest is just giving me the room to learn about it...

Clever, clever. That familiar voice whispered.

"So, the forest is magic enough to know about you am I right?"

Not really. It replied to me after all, it doesn't need to. It's designed to manifest your fears Darrien but it cannot manifest yours.

I felt like blocking my ears but it would do nothing, that voice would still be sliding into my mind calmly.
"Look, I really...need to find my friends"

Oh yes, those 'friends' that you pushed aside like that. The curse taunted you're a fool aren't you?

"Can you shut up?"

You call them your friends right? So why did you shove the girl you apparently 'love' to the ground like that?

I shook and shut my eyes tight.
"Will you shut up?!" I whispered, I didn't want someone to come pass and think I'm crazy or anything...

You want me to be silent? That's because you can tell can't you? You're just like me, inside your nature has always mimicked mine, you know it and you don't want to admit it.

"That's not true!"

Why don't you prove me wrong then? You have that power so prove it.

I frowned, why did it want me to look?
I felt a cold chill run down my spine at even the thought.

If I did I needed to keep my focus, I couldn't give the curse any room to take over.

"Fine" I hissed "I'll prove it"

I closed my eyes and with my heart pounding drum beats in my ears I focused on the shift I'd sensed a while ago.

The shift from when...when was a fight...
I hesitated.
"I-I...can't remember..." I mumbled "W-Who did I fight with?"

I shook my head to push the thoughts away and tried again.
Focusing on the change I sensed.

I shivered, a dark chill spread through me. My very core felt like it was on ice...I felt like I was drowning again...

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