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Oh, my...

I wander a little, I feel...rather lost.

"C-Cairo?!" I call, the fog has begun to dissipate a little to my delight.

"Now..." I take a deep breath "Let us see...I do wish that this had been here when I was last at the House of Hope. Then I might at least be able to find my way out" I looked around "First things first, finding the others. Regrouping is of the highest priority"

I wandered a little more, trying to find something that was even a little similar...

When suddenly I heard –

"Ani!" turning I spotted someone, it looked to be Cairo but...I couldn't quite tell.
"Oh! Are you alright?"

"Ani, come now! You're far too slow!"

'Come now'? I thought That doesn't sound like Cairo.

He started to run, towards what looked to be a cliff.
"Oh dear. Please do slow down! It would do you no kind of good to fall!" I called out. I paused.

This all felt far too this had all happened once before...a long, long, time ago.

He paused at the edge, looking over at the rapidly flowing water below.
"Look at the river Ani, it's so pretty!" I glanced over too, he was right it was pretty...

Then I froze, I remembered this...this was...this was...I glanced back at him. It was Cairo, yes. But...this was not an event happening to him...

This time, this event...occurred over 1000 years ago...this happened with...Nycra.

"Yes, now step away from the edge. Y-You could fall" I said as I had done so long ago, my voice shook and my hands trembled.

"You worry too much" he replied to me, smiling "This is sturdy rock"
"Yes, but...disasters happen when you least expect them...w-why...t-t..."

I took a breath.
"Cairo, back away from the cliff. Please, it is extremely dangerous"

I tried to grab him and pull him back hand went through him. Like an illusion.

"The forest of deception" I whispered, of course. T-This was an illusion meant to break my spirit, to test me.

I stood up walking away slowly, I still felt as if it was real. That I needed to stay because I knew what happened next.
I knew that shortly after that he had fallen, no. Not fallen.

Nycra's death was no mere accident. He was murdered, killed him. Sent him over the edge with flames...

Tears threatened to escape but I forced them back. This was all in the past, way, way in the past. There was nothing I could do.

I shook my head, pushing the images out of my mind. I had to remain focused, I just had to.
I must find the others. That's my first job.

"Come now Ani, this is not real. It's an illusion, a trick. This. Is. Not. Real"

I continued forward, I could swear the fog was even less now.
I heard voices, Cameryn and Cairo...are they more illusions.

"Hello!" Cairo called running out "Oh my god! Ani! You're safe!" he announced, then he turned.

"Ani, glad to see you. Have you seen the others?" Cameryn asked, I wanted to assume these were more illusions and be on my way but something in Cameryn's voice told me that this Forest had awakened something she would've rather left buried.

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