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So, it seemed Serena had been unsuccessful in convincing Darrien to reveal his little secret.

I want to say that perhaps it is for the best but then again...why do I get the strangest feeling that this decision of his will not end well?

"Ani? You seem distracted" Cairo asked as we continued walking the next day.

"I suppose I am Cairo, this is all...a little overwhelming I must admit" Cairo laughed.
"I'm not surprised" he joked "it's not every day you get trapped in time!"

He looked ahead at a huge row of trees, signifying we were re-entering the forest. He looked behind us then back at the forest ahead.
"Ani, those trees up ahead, they look different from the ones we were in before" upon closer inspection he was correct.

"Good observation Cairo." He smiled, pleased with himself.
"Does that mean it's not the same forest"
"I do not think..." I didn't finish my sentence. As we neared the edge of this clearing I noticed flowers progressively appearing. More and more of them.

Very pale blue, with almost white specks. They were familiar.
"Actually, Serena! Darrien! Cameryn!" I called raising my voice for the teens to hear.
"What's up?" Cameryn asked folding her arms.
"Something wrong?" Serena added, Darrien just looked at me silently.

"I don't think we should enter just yet, if my memory serves me right that is the last step before the house of hope"
"What? Seriously?" Cameryn gasped "no way we're almost there"

"Yes well, I'm not surprised. It was never intended to be remote."
"What makes you so sure?" Serena asked curiously.
"These flowers, they bloomed everywhere just around the house of hope, I've never seen them anywhere else"

Serena lent down to look at them.
"True, I've not seen these either" Cameryn nodded.

"Don't be so shocked. Those are pretty rare flowers. They only grow in places with even temperatures. So colder places like Cartio or Zaross won't get them and there's no way they'll pop up in Yanrie or Miral"

She blinked at everyone's confused expressions.
"Joeri likes flowers, he always finds an excuse to bring them up to me" she shrugged "I guess I just absorbed the information"

"Well we've rested enough though. We should hurry up" Darrien commented speaking up. Seeing my expression however he raised an eyebrow and added "unless there's something you haven't mentioned yet?"

"Well...this forest. Did not exist when I was last here the books Cairo lent me to read I remember coming across something about the house of hope" Cairo clicked his fingers understanding.

"I know what you mean, the one that talks about a forest surrounding it"
"Exactly, the forest is said to be magical. From what I read there is evidence enough to believe that it was created as a test"
"A test?" Darrien echoed "for what?"

"To prevent those of evil will into the house of hope, or even near it. It is called the forest of deception" Serena smiled nodding.

"The forest that deceives those who wander in, the setting of many of my favourite stories! My stories always say that only courageous people can make it through the horrors the forest will inflict" she started to blush "I mean that's what I've read anyway"

Cameryn lightly punched her laughing.
"Stories won't always have a place in reality Serena. But who knows? It has to be called that for a reason"

Darrien turned and looked towards it.
"Well, we'll proceed with caution then. But we shouldn't just wait, Kira could escape and we need to stop that"
"I don't know Darrien" Cameryn commented "as long as she can't manipulate any earth elements she can't be released."

He looked back at her with a slight glare in his eyes.
"Do you actually want Kira to hurt Taro?" he asked with venom in his voice.

"No of course not! I just think-"
"Think what you like" he hissed "I don't care. I'll do what I know is right. You guys stay here if you like, but I'm going ahead" he started to walk away and Serena grabbed his arm insistently.

"Darrien! I understand but I really think Cameryn is right! We should wait and come up with a plan, who knows what could happen in there!" Darrien was silent for a moment before he ripped his arm out of her grip.

I couldn't help but gasp, his eyes glared at her viciously and when she tried to grab him again he pushed her to the ground.
"What did I tell you before Serena! Stay away!" he turned angrily and left.

I shook my head.
"I will go after him, it is not safe to go in there alone. Hopefully I can change his mind" Cameryn shook her head.

"No, not yet. This is a good time to talk. I've been waiting for a chance to"

Cameryn spotted Cairo sitting down with Nike holding out a ball of string for him to play with so she lowered her voice a little.
"You two, you guys have noticed how he was acting right? You noticed his behaviour. Something is really wrong guys. I hate to say it, I really do. But I think Joeri might've been right"

"About what?" Serena asked with confusion, though the look on her face said that she had an idea.
"Darrien told me" I explained "Joeri believes that...Darrien is turning evil, dark"
"Yeah, not like he wants to believe that. But there's not much else I can think of. I put it down to him being depressed but...It doesn't work. His aggression, his attitude. Even if he was depressed, which I don't doubt is the case, he would never yell at Cairo."

Serena nodded.
"Yeah, he doesn't ever treat Cairo like that" she added.
"And he never has, even as a kid. He would rather die than hurt Cairo" Cameryn looked towards the forest.

"Okay, I believe now that we are on the same page we should follow him. If what Joeri said was true then Darrien is turning evil, therefore by extension he shouldn't be able to enter the house of hope. That will solve this, once and for all" Serena bounced a little.

"I know he'll be able to, sorry Cameryn I just don't believe it" Cameryn shrugged.
"Can't force you too"

We followed the way Darrien went and Cairo started to walk closer to me.
"Ani, do you mind if we stick together till we find my big brother?"
"Of course not"

Cairo was shaking a little as we neared the foggy forest.
"I don't want to get lost" I understood completely, this forest didn't look particular inviting.

I silently prayed to the deities that Darrien hadn't gotten lost in here.

We walked for a while together. The fog was thin so we could see but only barely.
"I don't like this" Cameryn mumbled "something about this place...really puts me off"

"I agree" I replied "I don't like it either, I imagine that Lady Spirit isn't exactly happy that it exists either" Cairo shivered and looked at Cameryn worriedly.
"Cameryn" he mumbled.

She looked at him with a smile.
"Cameryn...the fogs getting thicker. It's harder to see..." Serena nodded looking around.
"He's right, I can't see very much at all"

Cameryn decided to take the lead before there was no lead to see.
"Okay, follow me! There must be a clearing somewhere where we can wait out the fog" she started to walk and we followed as best we could.

The fog grew even more, at this point we walked in silence to make sure we could hear where everyone was walking.
"Keep walking forward guys!" Cameryn called making sure her voice was clear.

I did as I was asked then...a few minutes later I realised I could only hear myself.
"Cameryn?" I asked, no response.

"Cairo? Serena?" I tried but nothing.

I'd become separated from I would have to try to find my way...alone.


Hiya! Short chapter so I'm uploading two! I have gotten so close in my writing to finishing this!! Ahhh! Book 2 is nearly done!! I'm freaking out, well you guys can't see that it's nearly done, I have more chapters written I just, haven't had the heart or much time at all to update.

But here we are, updating!

So...yeah, catch ya'll next time...ya'll...? I never say that...jeez.

Love Evie.

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