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"Serena?" Bryden asked "D-Don't think badly of me..."

Bryden looked very ashamed.
"I don't it's just...I'm a little unsure..."

She frowned slightly.
"I'm not surprised, I don't understand..." she looked at me with a sad expression "Humans hate Alkanines but...Alkanines hate humans. Humans hurt Alkanines, Alkanines hurt's a never ending loop of pain..."

I smiled at her.
"You have a great way of seeing things, I think you see clearer than most adults. How old are you?"

"I'm 11 going on 12"

"Huh, I was close. Well I'm 16"

"16?! You don't...there's no way..."

I frowned at her and folded my arms.
"And? So what I don't exactly look my age! That doesn't make me any less of a 16 -year-old"

"I know, I know!" Bryden laughed "You know...I think we can be friends"

I only smirked.
"Jeez Bryden, I thought we already were" the younger girls eyes lit up slightly then she paused.

"Serena, you said there were others with you correct?"

"Yeah" Bryden seemed to think hard about something.

"Um...I'm sorry is it okay if I ask a question?" I raise an eyebrow but I nod.

"Go ahead, if you want to ask me something do it"

Bryden took a breath then looked at me seriously.
"You mentioned someone named Darrien right?"

I nodded slowly.
"Yes, what about him?"

"About a year ago...I was in Sarik. It's a small village outside Zei, I was visiting my cousin"


"And well, an Alkanine snuck into town. He was caught by the guards...I honestly wanted to step in but mummy, er..I mean mother, had told me to keep a low profile or she wouldn't let me wander without a guard"

I nod sitting down, Bryden followed continuing her story.
"And...the guard was making some speech about the evil Alkanines when I noticed an older boy next to me. He was shaking and he was pale"

I blinked, Sarik? An older boy? Could that be...?

"I spoke to him, he said that his name was...Darrien. He rescued his friend and escaped with the aid of some kind of magic cat, he was actually surprised that I knew the kitty could help but I do know my stuff"

"You mean you met Darrien?!"

"Yes, he's really the reason that I began to doubt what my mummy...argh...I mean mother said about Alkanines. I'd met a few who didn't seem bad before then but..." she rubbed the back of her neck "If I'm honest they all grew up in Zei"

"That's amazing! Bryden I think the deities must've wanted us to meet if that's the case, fate has something really interesting planned I think"

"Yeah! I couldn't agree more" Bryden reached into a small bag she was carrying and pulled out two things...I wasn't sure what "I was given these by my...mother...and she said they were special talismans or something"

She grabbed my wrist to my surprise, I wasn't able to stop before she noticed the kill mark.
"y-you've killed?"

"You know about kill marks?"

"Of course I've killed...people...human? Or Alkanine?"

"Hu-Human. I hated it but we were attacked, I was trying to defend my friends...and I...and...I"

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