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A/N : To be publish soon.....hope you will support and like it.

In the shadows where you feel safe.....lurking in the night amidst of danger.
Knowing that someone or somebody watching over you.
Dehydrated by warmth and love.
Succumbs in her embrace.
Facing the danger with equal strong will.

You embody the woman she wants you to be.
You believed you’re not enough……frankly my dear you are.
Standing by her side you sheltered her…underneath the mask of courage.
Not knowing the danger may come fort…….because you willingly die for her.

Danger may seek you……..but you don’t care, because you know she’s there.
Keenly guarded you without demand.
You thought how ugly the world is…..but when she appeared, you thought differently.
The darkness one’s was there is replaced with brightness.

Now you wait for the truth to reveal.
Praying to the gods she will accept you wholeheartedly.

Chapter 1 will reveal soon......😉


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