Chapter 1

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My name is Amira Coleman. I am eighteen years old and just graduated high school. I'm 5'1 with big brown eyes, shoulder length brown hair. I'd say that I'm thick because I ain't skinny as fuck but I'm not fat either. I live with my adopted mother named Paula in a big house in the country. When I was two weeks old my biological mother named Cara was on drugs bad. One day she dropped me off to this lady house so she could babysit me. My mother never came back for me that day so I've been with mom Paula ever since. Without her I don't know where I would be.

Throughout my years of growing up my real mother never took the time to check up on me. I didn't receive any holiday or birthday gifts. I didn't know why she treated me that way. She didn't leaving my other two brothers and sisters hanging like she did me. That's what so fucked up about the whole situation.

All I ever wanted was for her to be there for me and show me love like a mother was suppose to do. The materials things didn't really matter to me.

To make matters worse I found out that I had some type of diagnosis that the doctor had no clue what it was called. My muscles are very tight, my body gets weak, it's hard to go up steps without help and I can't even run, jump or play sports like normal people did. That ain't even all the problems.

To this day I have no clue who my real father is. For some reason she is keeping it a secret from me. I don't understand it at all. I'm the only one out of my siblings that doesn't know who my father is. However, I planned on finding out sooner or later.

All my life I've been through so much shit and things only seem to get worse. Not only is my life a mess but so is my love life.

S/N: excuse my errors & comment please!

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