Chapter 2

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Me and King have been talking for three years now. We have an on and off relationship. One day I'll be taken, then some shit go down and the next day or so I'd be single and the cycle continues. Him being in Chicago and me being in boring ass Delaware makes everything even more complicated. I remember how great everything was when we first met.

Reflecting on the past...

I was fifteen years old and it was a boring Friday night. I decided to get on this online chatting website that my cousin Alesha told me about. I logged on and went to the chat rooms. I can't lie, they we're live as fuck! I decided to click on one of the guys webcams and a cute guy popped up on my laptop screen. He was lightskin and built, had green eyes, fresh low cut, and dimples. I'd say he looked bored as hell on cam though so I thought I'd message him and see what was up. How could I see a cute ass nigga on cam and not speak.

Once I messaged him we hit it off pretty well. Soon we got on oovoo and just started to get to know each other. I found out that he was eighteen years old and stayed many miles away from me. His personality was what attracted me to him the most. He was goofy, laid back, outgoing and kept everything 100 with me.

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