Chapter 3 (Continued)

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He didn't call back so I assumed that he went and handled his business. I just laid in bed and stared at my bedroom ceiling. I honestly didn't know what to think about what he had said to me. Out of all the niggas in the crew I wonder why they chose him to handle that job. Maybe because he was that good at it or some shit. I did respect him for being completely honest with me though. Plus how could I judge him, it's not like he loved doing the shit. I could tell he wasn't with it.

I know some people say that should of been my warning to leave him alone right then and there but it wasn't that simple. He loved me to death and would do anything for me. I always felt that if I left him, nobody else would want me because of my diagnosis. He was one of those guys that accepted me and all my flaws. That's one of the reasons why I fucked with him.

Some guys in school and in the streets would call me pretty or cute but wouldn't date me, I figured it was because they didn't wanna be embarrassed by their homeboys for dating a girl like me.

After overthinking for about twenty minutes I finally drifted off to sleep. I suddenly was awaken by my phone vibrating letting me know I had a text message. I look at the text message from a number I didn't recognize

that read:

"tell our man to call me, it's important."

I replied back quick af saying "who the fuck are you?"

She replied "I'm Destiny, he left my house not too long ago, I got ya number out his phone while he was in the bathroom."

I couldn't believe this shit. She must of been the "new" girl he had to fuck in the crew. I wasn't in the mood and I was hella tired so I replied back saying "I ain't got time for this shit, so don't hit my phone with bullshit, goodnight." I left it at that and rolled over to go back to sleep. I was definitely gonna ask him about her tomorrow.

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