Chapter 4 (Continued)

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Me: "who is Destiny and why was she texting me on some petty shit?"

Him: "she somebody from the crew, don't worry about her young ass, I'll take care of it"

Me: "take care of it how?"

Him: "don't worry about it"

Me: "don't tell me not to worry about it, all I know is she better not text me again, I don't know why you ain't have ya phone on you anyway"

Him: "chill the fuck out, I said I'll handle it, she won't be texting you no more"

Me: "whatever, i'll hit you up later" (click)

From that day on I never heard from her again.

2 Weeks Later...

We were on good terms and the relationship was going great. He brought me anything I wanted and sent it to the house. Whenever I was down, he would always put a smile back on my face.

He let me know everything that went on in the gang. There were no secrets.

I can honestly say he was bad boy with good intentions. I knew he had a good heart and nobody would understand that but me. He would always tell me stories about his childhood, how some people didn't like him and how some of his family treated him bad.

I promised him that I'd be different and be there no matter what. I wouldn't treat him bad or leave him hanging. We were actually in a good place but that would change soon.

Sunday Morning

I was knocked out but woke up once I heard my phone vibrate. I was still tired from last night. I didn't even bother to see who it was I just answered and put the phone to my ear.

Him (yelling): "why the fuck you got all these niggas in yo inbox and shit?"

Me: "man what the hell are you talking about, it's too early for all of this"

Him: "don't fuckin play with me Mira, did you forget that you gave me yo Facebook info?"

I really did forget all about that shit. (Sigh)

Me: "no but some of them are my cousins (which they were) and others are just people I use to talk to, I didn't date any of them"

Him: "you trying me right now"

Me: "no not really, you acting dumb as fuck over some messages, everybody know I date you"

Him (yelling): "apparently not, all this shit being said in these messages."

I started laughing because he was yelling like he was crazy or some shit...

Him: "oh you think this shit is a joke, just because I'm not there don't mean I can't get somebody to shake yo ass up, remember I got niggas everywhere"

Me: "I never said it was a game, but I'm not taking ya ass seriously either"

Him: "hold on"

I wait for a couple minutes then fell back asleep, he was taking too long. Then I hear him yell in the phone "wake yo ass up and go take a look outside." I got up, went to the door and opened it. There was a nigga dressed in all black sitting on my porch just waiting for instructions on what to do to me. I thought to myself "oh shit this nigga serious as hell." I closed to door, locked it and went back to my room and grabbed the phone.

Me: "King look I'm sorry, just please get this nigga off my porch"

Him: "you wasn't taking me seriously remember, don't play with me cause next time i'll have him run up in the house and choke yo ass up."

Me: "okay okay just chill out."

Him: "yea alright, bye."

He hangs up, and I go look out my living room window. The guy was finally gone. I can't lie King had me scared as hell for a minute. I laid on the couch and watched movies until I fell back to sleep.

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