Chapter 12

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Amira POV

I tired to hurry out of the hotel quick. I really didn't wanna tell King about what's been going on between me and Camren but it sounded like Camren was about to pull some crazy shit. I just hope he doesn't try to hurt me, especially if he already knew about my condition. Ugh what did I get myself into. I slid back in the car, and my love headed to iHop. We found seats and searched the menus. A pretty female waitress walked over to take our order.

"Hi, my name is Desiree, I'll be yall waitress for today, what would yall like?"

Me: "Ummm I'll take a cup of orange juice, french toast and a steak omelet."

King: "I'll have the exact same thing."

"Okay, that'll be coming right up."

She walked away from our table and I looked at King, he seemed deep in thought.

"Wassup, what are you thinking about love?"

"I just got this strong feeling that something bad is gonna happen again."

"Well I hope that feeling go away, enough has happened alreadly and I can't deal with anything else."

"I know.... Mira I didn't want us to meet up like that. I'm so sorry that I couldn't take you to prom or make it to your graduation, you know I was on parole for awhile, they wouldn't let me go to another state. I'm off now so I'll be coming up there to Delaware to see you and ya mom of course. I plan on making up for everything."

That was music to my ears. "Finally, I don't our relationship to be like on that catfish show where the couples be dating for like 10 years and never met up in person. I ain't with that baby. I'll believe it when I see it."

"Alright you'll see, but I need to get you back to Virginia tho"

"You know your taking me right?"

"Yes punk, I'll drive just for the hell of it."

Couples minutes later the waitress brought us our food. He started picking at his but I was tearing mine up. Everybody know iHop got some bomb ass food. Once we were done, he took me shopping and then we were on our way to Virginia. I was happy that I was actually spending time with my baby for the second time. We talked about any and everything and planned for the future. However, during the whole ride Camren was blowing my phone up. I kept hitting ignore and didn't respond to his text messages, which I knew would only make him madder. I still wasn't gonna tell King because I figured I could handle it on my own later.

Hours Later...

We pulled up into my mom yard and blew the horn. Amelia came running out the house and up to the car. She spoke to King and took my bags in the house for me. He gave me a passionate kiss, a tight hug and whispered in my ear that he'll see me again soon. I watched as he drove off then went in the house.

King POV

I just drove off and I miss her ass already. I didn't wanna leave but I had to get back to my family. Plus I needed to get on my grind so that I could save up enough money to move to Delaware. Mira had no idea about that but I was gonna tell her when the time was right. I know she would love it just as much as I would. I loved that girl with all my heart.

(The Next Day) Amira POV

I woke up in a good mood. I was alive to see another day and my relationship was in a good place. Me and Amelia were chilling in the house blasting music and having our usual girl talk. We talked about everything together. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to her. We heard the front door open and knew that it was our mom. Usually she would come in the house talking shit but today was different, she was crying her eyes out. She blurted out to me and my sister " yall grandma is gone, she died this morning... What am I going to do without my mom!" Amelia immediately broke down crying and I just sat there froze. It took me a minute to process everything that she just said. Then it hit me, my grandma was really gone. Tears just started rolling down my face and I grabbed my sister to hold her tight. Our day went from going great to completely terrible. Me and my grandma didn't have the closest relationship but I still loved and respected her to the fullest. I held Amelia for hours as we cried like never before. My mom finally got herself together and told us we had to pack our stuff because we had to go back to Delaware, that's were the funeral was being held. We packed our clothes and stayed up all night reminiscing about everything.

The Day Of The Funeral

I was quiet all morning. I didn't feel like saying much to anybody, too much was on my mind. It's crazy how people can die at any moment. I guess God was ready to take my grandma away. I hated that me and her didn't get a chance to establish a real close connection.

Everybody got dressed and headed to the funeral home. Me and Amelia held hands and took a deep breath as we prepared to walk in. We followed behind my uncle and his girlfriend as they walked in and took a seat in the front row. I tried my hardest to look at everything but the casket during the whole service. I just didn't wanna see her like that. After the pastor said everything she had to say it was time to view the body one more time. Me and Amelia let everyone go before us, then Amelia squeezed my hand and we slowly walked up to the casket. As I laid my eyes on my grandma I couldn't help but break down and cry even more. Although she looked so beautiful and at peace. She was now in heaven and I was still here living in this cold ass world. I couldn't stay in that funeral home any longer so I hurried out to catch some fresh air and collect my thoughts.

*Sorry this chapter is short, I got a little emotional writing about my grandma*

*Next chapter bout to get crazy tho*


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