Chapter 14

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King POV

It was Friday night and I decided to surprise Amira early. I was gonna come tomorrow but I changed my mind. She had no idea I was outside her house. No other car was in the drive way so I knew her mom and stepdad was gone. I got out the car with 12 red roses in my hand and the promise ring in my pocket. I ran up the steps and knocked on the front door. I didn't hear any movement so I thought maybe she was sleep. I pulled out my cell and dialed her number. It rung and rung but she didn't answer my call. Something told me to twist the door knob so I did. The door was unlocked which was strange but I walked in. I quietly made my way to her room which was wide open. I walked inside and felt myself stepping on broken glass. It was dark so I flicked on the light.

I turned around to see my beautiful girlfriend laid out on the bed with a missing heart. All of the roses that were in my hand fell to the floor. Right then and there I broke down in tears like never before. I couldn't believe I was going through this shit again. This was the second woman in my life that got taken away from me. I climbed onto the bloody bed and held her lifeless body in my arms as I rocked back and forth. I felt like a little bitch crying this much but I didn't give a fuck, Amira was my baby. I thought back to all the plans we made. She was pose to be my wife in the future. We both wanted to live together and have a baby girl named Angel. Now what was I going to do. I don't want nobody else, just her. I felt so terrible. If I had been here earlier I could of protected her from all of this. I didn't even get a chance to tell her about my cancer or anything.

Suddenly I heard footsteps and loud screaming. I looked up and seen Mira's mother Ms. Paula being held by her boyfriend. "oh my God, who did this to my baby, King was it you???" she screamed out as she cried. I stated "I don't know, I came to surprise her and I found her like this, I swear it wasn't me. I wouldn't hurt her mom." She looked me in my eyes and I could tell she believed me. "Somebody took my daughter away from me, I can't handle this!" I laid Mira body back down and called 911 so they could take her body.

10 minutes later they arrived and took her body away. Many of her family members came to the house after Ms. Paula told them the news. The police stayed for awhile to question me, Ms. Paula and her boyfriend. None of us felt like answering any damn questions but knew we had to. After we were finished beginning questioned the police officer handled us his card and told him to call if we know anything else and their working on the investigation. Ms. Paula couldn't take staying in the house so they decided to go stay at her sister house. I needed to be alone so I drove to the liquor store, grabbed me 2 bottles of Vodka and headed to a hotel.

I walked into the room and threw my stuff on the floor except for the bottles of Vodka. I sat one on the table and took two long gulp of the other bottle. I knew that I shouldn't be drinking but I couldn't help it. I just lost the love of my life. I never wanted to see her like that, not ever. Tears started to roll down my face again. I put the bottle down and got in bed.

I just laid there for a minute then I started to talk to God out loud. "God am I really such a bad person? Why am I losing all the important people in life? I know that I'm in a gang and you've seen me kill, steal, and everything else but still. I'm here in this cold ass world suffering with cancer and my love is up there with you. Take me with yall, I don't wanna be here if she's not. I don't know what to do anymore, I'm hurting so bad and don't think I can get over this one. I closed my eyes and whispered "just help me." then I drifted off to sleep.

The next couples days I stayed in the room and only left when I needed food. Everyone was blowing up my phone, Ms. Paula, my homeboys, and my doctor. I didn't answer none of their calls or texts. I wasn't pose to stay in Delaware long because I had to get back home to receive more chemotherapy but I been missing my appointments. I couldn't leave yet, I had to attend Mira's funeral. I finally called Ms. Paula back, and she told me about all of the funeral details .

After I finished my call, I hoped in the shower and got dressed to head to a clothing store. I ended up going to the Dover Mall. I found a nice all black suite and Stacey Adams shoes to match. I made my way up to the cash register and the cashier stared at me like I was crazy. I guess she was staring at the bags under my eyes. "Can you stop staring and ring this shit up, I gotta go." She quickly rung up my items. I handed her the cash and left the store. On the way back to the hotel I thought about Amira and her gorgeous smile. Damn I was gonna miss her so much.

King POV (Day Of Amira's Funeral)

I been dreading this day. Last night I didn't get any sleep at all. I stayed up thinking about Amira and life itself. I took a deep breath and dragged myself out of bed. I took a long hot shower, put on my suite and shoes then headed to the church.

I arrived at the church in less than 15 minutes. Before I got out the car, I put Amira's promise ring in my pocket. I walked inside the church and it was packed. I didn't know this many people were coming. I looked up front and seen a slideshow with all of her pictures. I found Amelia sitting in the middle and took a sit next to her. We didn't say anything to each other, we just hugged and listened as the choir sing a few songs. Once they were done, the preacher got up to say his words. Half an hour later he was finished and it was time to see Amira one more time. I seen Ms. Paula go first. She kissed Mira on the forehead and yelled "my poor baby!" then fell to the floor crying. That only made me and Amelia cry too. I didn't wanna go up there but knew I had to do it. More people went up and viewed her body. Next it was Amelia's turn. She stared down at her sister and cried uncontrollably. One of their brothers had to come up to take her away from the casket.

Finally it was my turn. I walked up to my baby and shook my head. She looked like she was at peace. I leaned down to kissed her forehead and lips. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the promise ring. I slowly slid it on her ring finger and whispered "please watch over me, I love you baby, and see you soon." I turned and walked straight out the church.


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