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After Killing Amira, Camren delivered her heart to Rell and took all the money he had saved up and moved to California with his new girlfriend.

He saw Amira story on the news and laughed. He had gotten away with another murder and was now living the good life.

Truth be told, he really didn't want Amira, he just finished the job that Rell paid him to do, which was kill her. No one else knew about the plan but them too.

After Amira's funeral, King went back home. After months and months of chemotherapy he was finally brain cancer free.

He turned into a cold hearted nigga and promised himself that he would never fall in love with another woman. Since Amira was gone, he was just gonna stay single.

The day he held Amira's lifeless body in his arms he veiled to get revenge on whoever did that to her.

He was far from a dumb nigga and already had an idea about who was capable of killing his love.

He was on a mission to find Camren and that's what he planned on doing. Nothing or nobody would get in his way. Whoever tried to would die right along with Camren.

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This was my first time writing a full story and I'm sorry that it's short but....

IT'S GONNA BE A PART TWO CALLED The Delirious Life (King's Ultimate Revenge)

Shit is about to get real crazy... but message me ideas for the story!

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