Chapter 2 (Continued)

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At one point in time he stopped smiling and looked dead at me and said "I'm in a gang, are you okay with that". I already knew that niggas in gangs killed people, sold drugs and everything else. I was so caught up in the moment of everything that I didn't take enough time to actually dwell on what he said for too long. My only response was "yes, I will still fuck with you".

From there we talked on Skype and on the phone every day. I knew I had to have him. It was just something different about him.

In August he finally asked me to be his girl. I said "yes of course". I had no idea what I was in for. The first couple of months were perfect. We brought each other gifts for our birthday and valentines day. Plus sweet letters just for the fun of it; after those couple of months shit started to get real. I had no mind what I was in for.

The Delirious Life (Urban)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang