Chapter 5 (Continued)

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King was finally home from the hospital and was doing better. He was shot in the shoulder and chest.

I had just finished getting dressed and my phone started ringing. It was him so I answered. Soon as I said "hello?" he automatically said "Rell set me up." I just couldn't believe that. Him and Rell were so close and did everything together. They always looked out for each other so I couldn't understand why Rell would set him up. King explained to me how he put two and two. When he was done, we hung up so he could get some rest.I sat and thought about he just said. It all made sense to me. Then I decided to see if Rell would tell me the truth.

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Me: "so you gonna tell me the truth or what?"

Rell: "hmm the truth about what?"

Me: "don't play dumb with me Rell, did you really set King up?"

Rell: "he finally put two and two together... Smh yes I did."

Me: "you serious? Why would you do something like that to your own best friend yall known each other for years, what happened to loyalty?"

Rell: "a nigga offered me a couple thousand to set him up, I needed the money to help my mom so I did it."

Me: "smh bye Rell"

I thought to myself this is exactly why you can't trust anybody.

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