My Secret

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Okay, now you should listen to me. Why? Because I have a secret to tell you...I have a crush on one of the most popular guys in school.. his name is David. He can shoot a three-pointer three times in a row, how crazy was that! I secretly admired him because of how crazily good-looking he was. He even looks like the Prime Minister of Canada, if you actually know who he was... hehe.

Meanwhile in the car with my dad, we talked about school, food, news and other random stuff that we actually don't know about all the real facts behind it.

We arrived at school at last despite the traffic. I got out of the car and waved my dad goodbye.

"Bye, dad!"
"Bye darling, have a nice day!"

My school's entrance gate was crowded with other students chatting and having a picnic with their friends, typical couples displaying public affection in benches and underneath the trees, and there are some other students waiting for their friends as well. One of them is my all-time BFF, Chelsea Clarkson.

As soon as she saw me, she quickly ran to give me a tight squeeze.

"Hi Chelsea, I missed you!"
"Me too, Emma. I miss you too!"
"Yo Chelsea, have you ever heard that your favorite Korean boy band is preparing for a comeback?"
"You mean BTS?! I heard of that before, but I hope they will release a very catchy song that I can listen to all day!" Chelsea exclaimed.
"Haha, I know right, but tell you what, I am a bit nervous about the first day of eighth grade."
"Don't worry Emma, I am nervous as well. We all get nervous and it happens normally. Anyone who is not nervous at all is not normal or has paranormal feelings."

I laughed at her funny joke.

"Lol, your joke has made my day. Chelsea." I commented.
"That's what friends are for, cheering each other up when times your friend feels nervous or down about something."

The bell rang.

"Oh no! We better get to class very soon!" I exclaimed.

Me and Chelsea grabbed the class schedule together with the assigned classrooms from the principal's office. What a rush it was!

"Sadly, we don't actually have some classes together." Chelsea frowned.
"But it's okay, we can still have Biology and Geography together." I assured.

Then we rushed to our assigned classrooms for my first period, Mathematics.


Then before I was going to get inside the classroom, out of rush, I suddenly bumped into someone and my books fell to the ground.

"Are you okay?"
"I-I'm just fine!"
"Can I help you with picking up your books?"
"S-sure! You can help." I stuttered.

The person picks up my hand to help get me up and also helps me picking up my books. I helped the person as well pick up my books until we held the last book together, my hands on one side and the person's hand on the other.

We both looked up.. and the person suddenly smiled at me.

"W-why are you smiling at me?"
"I'm just trying to be friendly. Oh I forgot my manners, I am David by the way."

He offers me his hand to shake my hand with.

I suddenly freezed like a statue and I couldn't believe it, he's my crush from last year until now and he was the one to help me pick up my books! I awkwardly stared at him looking on how utterly handsome he was.. my heart races and I don't know on what to say to him anymore.

"Uh, n-nice to meet you David!" I shook his warm hand and continued to awkwardly stare at him.

"Is Mathematics your first period today?"
"Y-Yes, we all know that many teenagers in this school despise Math as their first subject.. T-they have been so s-stressed out a little!" I stuttered.
"Anyway, I am in the same class as you.. I have Math as the first subject. May I know your name before we go inside?"
"My name is Emma." I said in a quick tone.
"Hi Emma, let's go inside."

We both get inside, and surprisingly, the teacher and the students quietly yet awkwardly stared at us because we are late on the first the first day!!!!

Mrs. Roberts: "Well well well, what do we have here? Running late you two?"

Mrs. Roberts clicks her tongue.

Student 1: "Oh... I can see on why do they come here late to class."
Student 2: "Oh I know, they've must been dating!"
Student 3: "Yeah, they've must be a cute couple... Haha!"

Other students started chuckling and laughing from the joke.

Mrs. Roberts: Silence everyone!
Mrs. Roberts: Mr. David Hudson and Ms. Emma Houston, Since it is the first day of school, I am going to let you guys off for now. But, don't be late next time or you both will receive detention!
Emma and David: Yes Ma'am.
Mrs. Roberts: Good. Now both of you, please take your seat.

I sat on the third seat, third row, and second group while David sat on the second seat, first row, and first group so I can see him slightly in the left angle.

I just feel bored watching and listening to Mrs. Roberts' lecture talking about the different integer equations and formulas... it's just uhh.

A few classes later and it is finally lunch time.. I walked around the hallway chatting away with Chelsea and I noticed that the hallway is almost filled with bright red lockers with stickers, photos and some of them have graffiti, The floor is made up of wood that is really roughly textured and I can easily tell that they came from real trees, and the ceiling is painted off-white.

Me and Chelsea continued walking towards going to the school canteen and woah, the canteen occupies a large enough space for a lot of students studying here.. There are tables filled with stereotypical cliques like you've seen in any high school movies such as the mean girls who wear pink, the jocks talking about the NBA game last night, and the geeks who are multitasking studying chemistry and eating their lunch at the same time.

Once me and Chelsea grabbed our lunch from the food counter, we sat and joined the group of our fellow BTS fans.

Chelsea: "Can we sit with you, guys?"
Myra: "Well, of course! Come and let's talk about BTS with us!"
Emma: "I'm in!"

I excitedly took a bite out of my school sandwich.

Katie: "Hey Emma, are you a BTS fan?"
Emma: "Oh yes! My bias is Jungkook, he does amazing English covers and my favorite one is "We Don't Talk Anymore".
Katie: "OMG Emma, I heard of that before! I agree with you, it is an amazing cover."
Lily: "And their DNA music video is a worldwide hit here especially here in the United States."
Chelsea: "Lily, I think I've had a great news for you."
Lily: "What is it?! What is it?! *giggles*."
Chelsea: "BTS is making a comeback soon!"

Before Lily can scream out of excitement... Katie covered Lily's mouth in order to not cause a ruckus about it. The outcome ended up being hilarious.

Katie: "Alright, let's change the topic."

We all stood in silence.

Katie: "Truth or Dare, Chelsea?"
Chelsea: "I've rather tell the truth, please Katie."
Katie: "Alright, are you sure about that?"
Chelsea: "Yeah."
Katie: "Who do you admire right now and why?"

I hope it is not David. He's mine after all.

Chelsea: "David."

OH NO....

Katie: "And why?"
Katie: "Do you like him?"
Chelsea: "Y-Yes."


To be continued....

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