A mystery.

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Ha, very funny in the last part, my friends had a hyper laughing breakdown. I didn't even know if it's the dress I've picked, my taste of dresses, or what I looked when I wore the dress itself.

After some minutes of scrolling through my Facebook and Instagram, I courageously tried my newly purchased dress from my dress shopping session at the mall with my friends.


Yep, you know the real deal, aren't you?

It looks definitely good on me! Like a hundred... not a hundred, but a thousand times better on me. I was shocked that it suited me well without any flaws or imperfections.

Once I've tried on my dress, I went to my bedroom floor mirror to admire it.

I loved it, and I didn't even regret buying this dress. Woohoo!

I gasped in relief, and I squealed in excitement.

But then, I just needed to study for that chemistry quiz ASAP. So I went over to my study desk, turned on my MacBook laptop, grabbed my chemistry textbook, and recreated a Starbucks Frappuccino to help me stay awake.

After I've done what I needed to do in order to stay focus while reviewing for the chemistry quiz, I am in a study-hard session called review-athon!

What a busy and a productive wreck I was!

Hours later, after my study session, I forgot to clean my room, LOL!
My mom suddenly budged in, saw the mess, and gave me an unquestionable look.

"Oh my gracious honey, you forgot to clean your room again?"
"Well, telling by the looks of it, I may have forgot." I replied.
"Emma, you know that you're 13 now, you should already know your responsibilities and duties as a daughter. Now, go clean your room before you do anything to mess up your room again."
"Okay, I will mom, but do me a favor. Can you please knock at the door before coming in?" I implied.
"Okay, I will do as you please." My mom agreed.

I cleaned my room as fast as I could. I can't seem to expect my mom's reaction when she saw my cluttered, unclean room. I am so stressed out right now.

After cleaning my room, I turned on my MacBook laptop again and went to browse on YouTube. I couldn't believe my eyes, in my recommended section of YouTube, I clicked on BTS' new music video. I squealed and fangirled like crazy! How catchy this song was even though it is in different language.

I gotta tell to Chelsea and my friends about the music video release. ASAP!

But then, when I went to Messenger in my phone, I realize that somebody in my friend group chat sent a photo, and by the looks of it, I suddenly felt shattered and defeated.

Lisa: "Chelsea, have u been hidden a secret from us?!"
Myra: "Well Chelsea, I am very disappointed in you. Spill the beans on what happened, girl!"
Katie: "Well guys, I have the proof."
Chelsea: "I didn't do anything wrong, it is just a misunderstanding, and I didn't force myself to do that, we played truth or dare with his friends."
Myra: "HOLD ON. Who is he?!"
Lisa: "YEAH!!! You were hiding something, weren't you?"
Katie: "Hey guys, calm down. Take a look."

Then Katie attached a video of Chelsea and David, making out with his friends cheering.



Lisa: "HOW are we going to tell Emma about this?"
Myra: "My God Chelsea, what have you done to David? You already know that he is in a relationship with Emma!"
Chelsea: "I'M SO SORRY GUYS!"
Lisa: "Wait a minute, Katie, where did u get that video?"
Katie: "In a mysterious person's Facebook account, I don't know who it is."
Chelsea: "Does this mean I have been catfished?"
Katie: "Yep, and we have to find who it is."
Lisa: "Before it gets worst."
Myra: "And spreads on the entire school."

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