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While I was crying in the girl's bathroom and locked myself in a stall, David and Chelsea continued talking like nothing happened. They didn't even notice me looking at them through the window.

Chelsea: "Hey David, why do you like my friend Emma so much?"
David: "I think she's beautiful, smart and cute. Her charm has just made my way through my heart."
Chelsea: "So you like beautiful girls, eh?" She laughed.
David: "Yeah. But not only beautiful girls, but any girl with an unique charm." He chuckled.
Chelsea: "So do I have an unique charm?"
David: "Maybe. But I may not be able to get to know you so I wasn't sure."
Chelsea: "Why aren't you sure enough?" She crossed her arms.
David: "Like I said Chelsea, I may not be able to get to know you better, so I am not sure if you have a unique charm or not."
Chelsea: "What?! You better tell me now if I have one!" She yelled.
David: "What the-, You are putting a huge pressure on me and I can't even figure out whether if you have a charm or not!" Annoyed, he yelled back at her.
Chelsea: "So you really like my friend Emma more than me? Hmph! Time to learn some manners, David." She talked back.
David: "I HAD ENOUGH OF YOU! I need to ask you one question tho." He then crossed his arms.
Chelsea: "Now what?"
David: "Do you like me?"
Chelsea: "YEAH! I like you, David. I admitted it, and it is real. I really really like you."

Suddenly, David's phone rang.

David: "Chelsea hold up a sec."

He read the text message from his mom.

Mom: David! I have been waiting for you at the front gate trying to pick you up! Stop on whatever you are doing and go home!"

David: "Oh shoot."
Chelsea: "Why?"
David: "I've gotta go. My mom's pissed off."
Chelsea: "Wait, do you accept my confession? David? David!!!"

Just then, David ran to the back gate without turning back to Chelsea.

The next day.... After the tragic heartbreak incident that has ever happened to me...

I told to myself that I have two choices; 1. Confront Chelsea or 2. Confront David. And honestly, I cannot choose both. Going to school after that incident made me a lot more short-tempered and a lot more stressed about...


I felt insecure, nauseous, and heartbroken that I just want to puke, not rainbows, but thunderstorms!

Finally, after a few hours of thinking through class periods, I have made the right decision. I need to confront Chelsea about this situation.

Lunch break...
Chelsea: "Hi Emma, how's your day? Feeling busy lately?"
Emma: "Yeah. But I need to talk to you. It's very urgent."
Chelsea: "Okay, let's talk about it while eating lunch."

While eating our lunches, I finally mustered the courage to strike up a conversation with Chelsea. I need to be honest with her, though.

Chelsea: "So, what are we're talking about?"
Emma: "Chelsea, this is serious."
Chelsea: "About what? Having a F grade at math again?"
Emma: "Not that. This is more serious than that."
Chelsea: "I'm listening."

I took a deep breath. Deep breaths, Emma.

Emma: "Well, I saw you two with David. In the classroom and I saw you both through the window."
Chelsea: "Wait a minute, you mean, you saw us yesterday through the classroom window?"
Emma: "Yeah, I am telling the truth. I have must been mistaken for both of you are flirting with each other."
Chelsea: "No, we are NOT flirting with each other! We are just being friendly and catching up with each other." She lied.
Emma: "So are you LYING to me, about you not liking him?"
Chelsea: "No, I didn't like him at all. It's the truth, Emma.
Emma: "But are you sure you're telling the truth about on what you've told him yesterday? You've told him you like him, didn't you?" I crossed my arms at this point.
Chelsea: "What the heck Emma? How could you?" She said, all shocked and surprised.
Emma: "SO YOU LIKE HIM? FINE. I won't talk to you unless you feel truly sorry about it." I furiously replied.

Then I stormed off with a furious and stern look in my face.

Chelsea: "Wait Emma! It's not like that! I can explain!"

I walked going towards my locker and Chelsea follows me afterwards. As I put my stuff in my locker, I didn't talk to Chelsea nor reply to her at all. She continued to insist that I should forgive her so she won't disappoint me like this again.

Chelsea: "Please Emma, forgive me! I can explain!"

After I've finished getting stuff from my locker, I slammed my locker shut right up her face. Then, I walked even further away from her and continued to not make eye contact nor reply back to her.

Chelsea: "Fine Emma, I deserved it! I've just lost a good, loyal friend like you." After she said this, she sobbed.

I went back into the classroom for Chemistry class, having a hard time memorizing these complex equations and memorizing these elements in the periodic table due to my disappointment towards Chelsea for lying to me.

Uh, this day has gone into a series of tragic and dramatic issues, jealousy, disappointment, and envy must have controlled me the entire day. What a train wreck this day was!

If Chelsea admitted that the truth, she confessed to David that she likes him, then none of this would happen.

Honestly, I feel bad that Chelsea was sitting alone, all by herself during the entire class. She felt that she had lost me as a friend due to a single guy. I called them, GUY ISSUES!

And yet, every girl friendships break easily nowadays because both girls admire the same guy. But I also felt bad for Chelsea that she doesn't have any homecoming date for the upcoming homecoming dance.

After school, I strike up on a conversation with David about the homecoming next week.

Emma: "Hi David."
David: "Hi Emma, what are we going to talk about?"
Emma: "Let's talk about the upcoming homecoming."
David: "O my god, 'upcoming homecoming' IT RHYMES!!" David laughs.
Emma: "Oh yeah, it totally rhymes." I laughed harder.
David: "Ironically, your home is not the place to spend your homecoming." He chuckled.
Emma: "Yeah. Let's go back to the topic. What sport are you playing this homecoming?"
David: "I am sure I am going to play basketball. The game against 6th and 7th graders."
Emma: "Wow. Good luck for that game! Hope you do well! You're the MVP anyway." I nudged his shoulder.
David: "How about yours?"
Emma: "I am going to choose volleyball, but I am not actually a sporty person."
David: "You'll do just fine! You'll be like me someday."
Emma: "Yeah, but I still have questions about that sport."
David: "Don't worry, your friend Chelsea can teach you. She's a pro at it."
Emma: "Thanks for that advice David. You're very supportive."
David: "Thank you."

We smiled at each other and hugged.
His body felt so warm since the weather has been so cold lately.

I went back home with a smile on my face. But how do I forgive my friend Chelsea though?

To be continued...

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