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"What truth?"
"The truth on what happened!!!"
"What do you mean?!" Chelsea, dumbfounded, asks me.
"The VIDEO!" I shouted.
"Um, Emma.. Do you mind if we go somewhere private? I mean, you kinda were shouting in front of the principal's office."
"Errr... Okay. But let's talk about it la-"

Before I can finish my sentence, the school bell suddenly rang for the next class.

"I gotta go, Emma. Talk to you later." Chelsea waved.

Dammit, I couldn't have sworn talking over Chelsea about that video sent in our squad group chat.
If Chelsea and I fell for the same guy, David. Our friendship won't be doing so well in the future. I am worried about that.

David: "Hi Emma."
Emma: "Hey David."
David: "Look, Emma. We need to talk about our relationship."
Emma: "Don't you even know that Chelsea started to like you? More than just friends?!"
David: "What the- how can you say that?"
Emma: "I found this video that was sent on my squad group chat that day. You have to explain this."

I showed David the video and he sported a shocked face upon watching the video.

David: "Wait, What now Emma?"
Emma: "Are you cheating on me with my best friend?"
David: "No, that is not the case. In fact, my friends try to fool Chelsea by doing the dare that my friends ask me to do. In case, THIS IS NOT MY PLAN INTENTIONALLY, Emma." He crossed his arms and gave me a look of disapproval.
Emma: "Whatever it is, you need to tell the truth, or else, we are through." I angrily replied.
David: "So you wanted me to break up with you. Fin-."

Suddenly, the teacher walked up towards us and gave both of us a stern look on her face.

"Ms. Houston and Mr. Hudson, would you mind listen to the discussion? I'm so sorry that I interrupted you two lovebirds in your flirting session."

The whole class stared at us, followed by the entire class chuckled and chortled, pointing their fingers at us.

"I WONDER IF THEY are going to have s*x at the locker room or at the bathroom later on!!!"
"OMG!? Emma and David? They look so cool together. #ISHIPIT."

And they were some of my classmates' remarks about my relationship with David. Soon enough, it is going to go under, hitting our relationship like rock bottom.

Yep, what a f*cking corny, terrible, and stupid remarks.

Oh gosh! Why am I swearing right now?

Yeah, readers who are sensitive to swear words, I am really sorry about that. :(

Okay, back to the real thing..

I practiced calligraphy on a spare notebook that I always bring at school, the text writes as, "THREE DAYS TO GO TIL THE HOMECOMING DAY."

I am so happy with my talent at calligraphy.

I knew I am excited for the school dance, but I DON'T HAVE A DATE YET!!! I forgot to ask David out.

Why am I so stupid?

I said to myself, "Alright, dismissal time, let's ask David out if he wants to be our date."

Dismissal time came and I was looking for David. After I grabbed my things from inside my locker, I dashed hurriedly at the hallways, panicked, and continued to look for David. I searched every classroom in the hallway in order to find David.

"Uh, what now?! What am I supposed to do now?" I said, frustrated.

Until, finally, I can see the sight of David, practicing basketball with his friends for the homecoming games. I sat down at the bleachers, watched David from afar. Suddenly, a guy my age started to approach me. He was wearing eyeglasses and has a messy ginger hair.

"O my god! Are you a red-head?!"
"Yeah, why?!"
"I am also a red-head!"
"Who cares?" I weirdly glanced at him.
"Where are my manners? I'm sorry, but my name is Troy."
"Oh hey Troy, nice to meet you. My name is Emma."
"So Emma, have you been obsessed with Sci-fi and anime lately? I have been reading lots of comics."
"Errr.. maybe. I have a collection full of them. That's why my room is very messy, I forgot to organize and to put them back into the shelves."
We both chuckled.
"And by the way, I like this one girl, but, pardon may I ask you if you know who she is?" Troy drops his voice into a whisper.
"No, spill me with some details. Not literally tho."
"Okay, she is a blonde, fair-skinned girl with blue ocean eyes, and I always see her hanging out with you, I assume she might be your friend."
"You mean Chelsea? You're right, she is my friend and I always hang out with her all the time except when we're both busy or something." I said.
"Yes, Emma. I like her. She is the center of my only heart, I would do anything, and try my best to win her heart. I imagine her as my girlfriend, someday, it would happen."
I grinned.
"Well, the only way to win Chelsea's heart is to be yourself. Do you like to play guitar to serenade her?" I implied.
"I don't play guitar. But I am good at singing."
"Great! Sing for her instead!" I jumped excitedly.
"Should I dedicate Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran for her?"
"Yes, it's a very good song. Nice music choice, by the way."
"I might just be going for it. I'm singing for her!"
"Yeah, but get to know her first."
"Then I'll be passing love notes to her during class."
"And don't forget to join us for lunch tomorrow. Okay?"
"Yes, Emma. I will." Troy smirked.

After David's basketball training, he came up to me and ran going upstairs towards me.

"Hey, Emma. Didn't see you there."
"Oh hi David. How's your basketball training?"
"Totally fine. I'm just gonna master up these dribbling and shooting skills."
"But you seem okay at basketball! You don't even need room for improvement at all!" I chuckled.
"Yeah, but Emma, the homecoming games is a very big deal, I don't want to mess this up. Remember our school will be having a battle with another school, right?"
"Oh okay. Then I guess it is absolutely a huge deal. Our school needs a win."
"By the way, Emma. Who is that guy whom you talked to earlier?"
"His name is Troy. Then he told me his last name during our conversation. So his full name is Troy Evans. The one and only sci-fi geek in our batch."
"Yeah, and I heard he likes someone." I said, gradually dropping my voice into a whisper.
"Who? I'm curious. Tell me Emma."
"Her name is Chelsea. My friend, Chelsea Clarkson."
"What?! NO WAY! Are you kidding me, Emma?!" He panicked, feeling dumbfounded.
"Ahem... David, bet you not talking about my best friend again! Or else!"
"O...Okay! I won't ever mention her name again, I-i promise!" He stuttered.
"Then if you mention Chelsea again, we're THROUGH."

I walked away, stormed out.

"Wait a minute, Emma! What about how should I mend our relationship?! Emma... EMMA!!!!!" He screamed, and I didn't hear his question because I already left the gym.

And I already knew it, I am excited for tomorrow! I am going to set up Troy and Chelsea on a blind date, on lunchtime at the canteen!

I squealed happily as I get home.
I realized I was late. I came home late at night.


Tomorrow, I am going to ship Troy and Chelsea as a couple! TrElsea the ship name! LOL!

To be continued!

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