A disaster?!

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One week later...
*alarm rings*
I woke up, and I was barely asleep last night. It was hard for me last week. I got grounded, because my dad thinks that David is my boyfriend even if he's not. I had a complicated time organizing my thoughts in my head. My mind was literally spinning right now.

After I got there to school, I almost slept during homeroom. The stress heavies my mind like a 93.4 kilogram boulder or something even heavier.

I was moody a lot lately, because not only I was worried that Chelsea might lied to me about her liking David but also the next week was the homecoming season... Including the homecoming dance where high school student ask out their boyfriends/girlfriends to the dance.

I don't know who David chose to ask out to the dance... either me or Chelsea!

I was frustrated from deep inside.

It was lunch time, and Chelsea approached me with a smile. What a good friend after all.

"Hi Emma, why are you so down lately...I mean today? Is there anything wrong going on?"
"No Chelsea, it is just personal stuff. No need to worry about anything about David or school." I lied.
"Oh okay, if you say so."

Then Chelsea wrapped her arm in my shoulder and walked out way going to the school canteen.
We selected our food from the food counter, and Chelsea chose vegetable salad and salsa chips, while I chose French fries with ketchup and a cheeseburger that tastes like McDonald's.

Oh, did I forgot to mention that Chelsea is a vegetarian?

Don't believe me? Well, she always chooses vegetarian lunches over boring, normal school lunches that everyone eats like cheesy nachos, grilled steak, and high quality cooked meat.

We both sat down, and I vented to her about my personal problems. At least she understood unlike my "fake friends" since my elementary era. We ended up sharing a long yet meaningful conversation.

"So I have been stressed out with school lately, like maybe Math homework and some Chemistry experiments." I implied.
"Me too, don't worry Emma, I felt the same way as you did." Chelsea comforted me.
"Thank you Chelsea." I hugged her.
"Girl, your welcome." She hugged back.

After we finished our lunch, we went to me and Chelsea's lockers to put away our stuff from our finished classes for the day. Our lockers are filled with posters of BTS and our biases like Jimin, V, and Jungkook. We also have some aesthetic crafts that stuffed our lockers like some tumblr inspired sassy quotes posters and some dried flowers we secretly picked from the school garden.

"So, feeling better already Emma?" Chelsea asked while putting her books in the locker.
"I felt alright because of you. Thank you so much for comforting and giving advice. You're the best, Chelsea!" I said, happily.
"Well you are always be my favorite BFF, Emma. And I promise that I guarantee that your David, is totally yours."
"Chelsea, what do you think I would do if he asks me to the upcoming homecoming dance?"
"Don't say no. Just say yes and kiss him."

I blushed about the love advice that Chelsea just gave me.

"Oh, thank you Chelsea." I said, still blushing like bright red.

Just then, David approaches me with his jock friends after probably, their game of basketball.

"Emma, go talk to your man. Don't make this awkward." Chelsea ressasures.

I went up to David along with Chelsea.

"Oh, hi David." I said, acting normal.
"Hi Emma, let's talk about something."
"What is that something again?" I curiously asked.
"Well... you're right. But don't get too serious about it."
"What is it?"
"Will.... you be...my homecoming date? Emma?" David asks with a smile.

His friends started snickering and nudging him at the shoulder.

I thought to myself, is he really asking me out or this is a joke after all?

Now I've came out of my shell and decided to take the chance.

"Yes." I said to him, smiling back.

"Great, but first I want to dedicate this song to you. Jacob, hand me that guitar."

He grabbed the guitar and started strumming.

"The best about tonight's that we're not fighting, could it be that we have been this way before? I know you don't think that I am trying, I know you're wearing thin down to the core."

I started smiling at blushing.. Seeing his talent at guitar makes me feel mesmerized for him.

He then continued strumming.

"But hold your breath, because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you, over again, don't make me change my mind. Or I won't live to see another day, I swear it's true, because a girl like you is impossible to find, you're impossible to find."

I clapped, and just then, the school bell rang.

"Uh, time for me to go. Bye David."
"Bye Emma." He then went away with his friends.

During Biology class, I secretly texted David, in class!

While the teacher is discussing about the biological significant process of the human body.. the teacher suddenly called my attention.

"Ms. Houston? Are you still here with the discussion?"
"Yeah. I am just looking for something."
"Okay, just make sure you have taken down your notes."

The discussion continues and I secretly texted David, again!

David: "Hey Emma, are u excited 4 the dance?"
Emma: "Oh HELL yeah David! It's homecoming, and I should be really excited!"
David: "Hahah Emma, u seem too excited about it even tho it is one week away."
Emma: "I am just being myself, and I am very enthusiastic about it!"
David: "I like your enthusiasm. It cheers me up."
Emma: "I am in class right now and I'll TTYL before the teacher consficates my phone, bye!"
David: "Bye! See you after class!"

I turned off my phone and continued taking down biology notes.

Dismissal came and I am in cleaning duty. But I couldn't believe on about what I just saw!

I opened the window and the curtain and I saw two familiar figures, David and my friend Chelsea!

They were talking, laughing, and smiling at each other like they didn't noticed me looking through the classroom window.

How dare Chelsea! I had mixed feelings; particularly disappointed, sad, and frustrated at the same time. Chelsea tried to comfort me, and ended up talking and smiling at David while David serenaded and asked me out earlier during lunch and ended up smiling at Chelsea?


I ran to the girl's bathroom, and I started sobbing until the whole bathroom floor was filled with my tears.


To be continued...

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