The day of the school dance(FINALE)

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The next morning, I woke up and the first thing that I do is to go and message Chelsea a "wake up conversation", and that's how I catch up with her online before heading off to school, in my morning routine.
*CHELSEA: Active Now*
Emma: Hey Chelsea!
Chelsea: Hi, what is it?
Emma: R u excited for the school dance tonight?!
Chelsea: Hell yah I am Emma! I am currently dancing 7 rings by Ariana Grande alone in my own bedroom!
Emma: Hahahahahahah nice move that u got there.
Chelsea: BTW, have you found someone who has been leaking and exposing us through our pictures lately?
Emma: Sadly, not yet. But I am going downstairs right now to prepare my breakfast.
Chelsea: Well Em, eat your breakfast first, and let's chat later.
Emma: Okay.. hope you eat yours too Chelsea.

I put away my phone and placed it at my bedroom nightstand.

Then I climbed downstairs and went into the kitchen to prepare BLT sandwich for my breakfast. My parents are watching TV, particularly, they love Netflix. Mostly old romantic comedy movies in Netflix. And here I am, eating my BLT sandwich at the dining table, while thinking about on who absurdly exposed me and Chelsea through our embarrassing pictures that have been leaked and seen by a lot of students in our school.

"I wondered who even did that, it resulted in horrible reputations me and Chelsea have ever been in our school. That student deserves to be expelled, even though that student is too young to be expelled, but our principal doesn't care. Such a horrible alien that lives on Mars." I furiously murmured.

Fortunately, my parents don't mind nor don't have an idea on what I am saying. After eating my breakfast, I went to the bathroom to take a shower.
I was singing "Never Grow Up" by Taylor Swift in the shower and it is just hilarious because sometimes, my voice sounds different when I am inside the shower compared when I am finished taking a shower.

I put on my normal house clothes, picked up my phone, and continued messaging Chelsea in our conversation.

Emma: Hi Chelsea! I'm back!
Chelsea: LoL. Hi!!!
Emma: So how's the relationship between you and Troy?
Chelsea: It was fine. Nothing too extra but things seem to go well as planned.
Emma: Well are you guys in a relationship with each other in this stage?
Chelsea: Haha yep. He popped the question last night while we were on our first date.
Emma: First date?! That's amazing news then Chelsea! I'm so proud of you!
Chelsea: Thanks.
Emma: And is he taking you to the dance tonight?
Chelsea: Definitely!

I squealed in excitement!

Chelsea: "Well, I will just end this convo for now, gotta get my skin and my face prepared for the dance!"
Emma: "Ok. See you tonight with Troy!"

I was thinking that I should get my body ready for the big event tonight, maybe wax my armpits, exfoliate and clean my face, and also wax both of my arms and legs. Then I ran downstairs and persuaded my parents to take me to Starlight Mall to go to Coco's Beauty Salon to get the stuff dance. My parents agreed and my dad drove to Starlight Mall right away.

*Inside the mall*
"Hmmm, where's the directory?" Mom asked to herself
"Right over there!" I pointed to the nearest directory that I can easily find within the reach of the mall's entrance.

We went over to the digital mall directory, which the mall directory, instead of a printed map, it can be also an interactive touch screen that is accessible and all you have to do is to search for a store, and the directory will show you directions on how to get there from the current location to the selected destination that you wished to go to. It's very cool, trust me!

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