I have to say something..

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Me and David road on a motorcycle for a trip to Starlight Mall to watch the latest Hunger Games movie for our date... and why should I go on a date with David once again even though my parents forbid me to be out of the house late at night? Well.

I must tell David that I truly like him. As a lover and as a good boyfriend, I need him to know how I truly feel about him.

"Hey, David."
"Yes, Emma?"
"Since we're going to see my favorite movie from my favorite movie series, how about I suggest that we go buy some cheese flavored popcorn?" I implied.
"I don't really like popcorn, but since I am with you... I am going to share the popcorn, but I may not eat it all."
"Okay, let's go buy some popcorn, shall we?"

We arrived at Starlight Mall, on a starry night, then, we went upstairs by the escalator to go to the movie theater located at the uppermost floor. Along the way, I spot some good ol' cheesy popcorn serving at Cheesy Wheesy. There are many different types of cheeses that get mixed with their signature popcorn recipe, such as brie, provolone, cheddar, parmesan, and a lot more, imported from different countries.

"O my god, David, these cheesy flavors are just.. so MANY! It is quite complicated to choose just one!"
"Just pick one, Emma. Or maybe, you can have a mixture of them all."
"You're right! Maybe a mixture of them all!" I felt rushed just picking the flavors.

Then I went up to the cashier and ordered a popcorn, the mixture of all flavors that you can possibly find at Cheesy Wheesy.
We tried out the popcorn, getting three popcorns at a time.

"Mmm.. So delicious!"
"Right, Emma? Popcorn has never been so delicious!"

After that, we haven't finished our popcorn yet, but we are actually going to buy tickets for the Hunger Games movie. We noticed a very long queue going towards the ticket counter. Some minutes later, we finally went inside the movie theater.
I can already feel the coldness of the entire movie theater, while I was shivering, I took David's hand and held it. David looks at me like something is wrong with me, but he still smirks at me, just a little. The entire room was so quiet that I can hear a pin drop.

We lowered our voices during the entire conversation to a whisper.
"Psst. David."
"Yah, Emma?"
"Look, we need to talk."
"About what?"
"I think t-there is something I needed to t-tell you." I stammered.
"What is it?"
"You know, the past couple of weeks ago, you asked me out on a date to this same mall, right? We even had dinner in McDonald's and right after that, you took me a ride home, that's where we almost kissed when suddenly my dad interrupted. But what I really, really wanted you to listen to me and accept whatever I wanted to say."
"What is it?"
"I-I, really like you, David. And I really do."
"So you do like me?"
"Yeah. More than just friends."
"Well, I got something for you." David smirked.
"Then what?"

David suddenly leans his head towards me while his thumb caressing my chin, looking at my lips for a second, closing his eyes, and kissed me!

I can feel his soft and smooth lips. And his tongue coming out of his mouth going towards mine.

While he kisses me, my eyes stared at his face in shock. But I can't help it, so I kissed him back, running my tongue going towards the back of his.

We made out for two minutes straight. After we made out, we stared at each other.

"Emma, I really like you too." David smirked at me.
"I am so lucky that I have a boyfriend like you, David."
"Sorry for what I've did with your best friend."
"Apology accepted."

Boyfriend at ThirteenWhere stories live. Discover now